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Luke Edwards edited this page Aug 9, 2015 · 7 revisions


The Bee3D configuration options. These are passed in as the second parameter to the Bee3D() function. Check out the example below for more.

Basic Options

Option Type Default Description
wrapper element document.body main wrapper, watches for gestures
selector string '.bee3D--slide' slides' selector class
effect string 'coverflow' scroll class to apply:
coverflow, classic, cube, carousel, concave, wave, arc, spiral-left, spiral-right
focus integer 0 slide to focus on init


Interactions/Inputs that we want the slider to listen to.

All options below are wrapped in a listeners object

Option Type Default Description
keys boolean false keyboard keys
touches boolean false touch/swipe (mobile)
clicks boolean false click non-active slides to show
scroll boolean false mouse scroll wheel
drag boolean false mouse drag/swipe


If the slider is to use the navigation arrows.

All options below are wrapped in a navigation object.

Note: You must include navigation markup in your HTML.
See the Navigation documentation for more info.

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false to use or not to use
next string '.bee3D--nav__next' A unique selector for the next trigger.
prev string '.bee3D--nav__prev' A unique selector for the prev trigger.


If the slider is to make AJAX requests & dynamically add new slides

All options below are wrapped in a ajax object.

Note: See the AJAX documentation for more information.

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false use ajax calls?
path string null URL to query
when integer 2 when to make the request? eg: 2nd to last slide
maxFetches integer null max # of times to query this path/URL
null == infinite fetches
constructor function fn(data){} function callback to build each new slide with data's contents


If the slider is to autoplay its slides.

All options below are wrapped in a autoplay object

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false use autoplay?
speed integer 5000 autoplay time (ms) per slide
pauseHover boolean false pause autoplay on hover ?


If the slider is to loop through its slides, instead of ending on the last one.

All options below are wrapped in a loop object

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false loop back to start?
continuous boolean false continuous loop effect?
offset integer 2 # of slides to offset to make loop seem infinite
may be different for each effect


If the slider is to sync its active index with other sliders.

All options below are wrapped in a sync object.

Note: See the Synchronization documentation for more information.

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false use sync?
targets array null Array of slider variable names (strings) that this slider should broadcast to


If the slider is to use parallax effects.

All options below are wrapped in a parallax object

Note: See the Parallax documentation if enabling parallax.

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false use parallax effect?
className string 'bee3D--parallax' class name to add, used for CSS only
friction decimal 0.7 data-depth attribute
settings object -- See the Official Parallax Documentation for more.


If the slider is to add shadows to its slides.

All options below are wrapped in a shadows object

Option Type Default Description
enabled boolean false cast shadows under slides?
template HTML String '<div class="bee3D--shadow-wrapper"><div class="bee3D--shadow"><span></span></div></div>' HTML to be appended to each slide


Optional callbacks you may plug in to.

Option Type Default Description
onInit function null when slider initializes
onChange function null when slider changes its active slide
onDestroy function null when slider is destroyed


Example usage of how to configure a Bee3D slider.

var el = document.getElementById('demo');

var slider = new Bee3D(el, {
  effect: 'spiral-right',
  focus: 4,
  listeners: {
    keys: true,
    touches: true
  navigation: {
    enabled: true
  ajax: {
    enabled: true,
    path: '/api/posts',
    constructor: function(data){
      var slide = "<h1 class='demo-title'>" + data.title + "</h1>";
      slide += "<p class='demo-summary'>" + data.summary + "</p>";
      return slide;
  parallax: {
    enabled: true
  onInit: function(){
    alert("Slider Initialized!");
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