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A JSON API Implementation for Go, to be used e.g. as server for Ember Data.

import ""

api2go works, but we're still working on some rough edges. Things might change. Open an issue and join in!

we moved the project from the univedo organization to manyminds. If you upgrade, please fix your import paths

Note: if you only need the marshaling functionality, you can install the subpackage via

go get



Examples can be found here.

Interfaces to implement

For the following query and result examples, imagine the following 2 structs which represent a posts and comments that belong with a has-many relation to the post.

type Post struct {
  ID          int
  Title       string
  Comments    []Comment `json:"-"` // this will be ignored by the api2go marshaller
  CommentsIDs []int     `json:"-"` // it's only useful for our internal relationship handling

type Comment struct {
  ID   int
  Text string `jsonapi:"name=content"`

You must at least implement one interface for api2go to work, which is the one for marshalling/unmarshalling the primary ID of the struct that you want to marshal/unmarshal. This is because of the huge variety of types that you could use for the primary ID. For example a string, a UUID or a BSON Object for MongoDB etc...

If the struct already has a field named ID, or Id, it will be ignored automatically. If your ID field has a different name, please use the json ignore tag. Api2go will use the GetID method that you implemented for your struct to fetch the ID of the struct.

In order to use different internal names for elements, you can specify a jsonapi tag. The api will marshal results now with the name in the tag. Create/Update/Delete works accordingly, but will fallback to the internal value as well if possible.


type MarshalIdentifier interface {
	GetID() string

Implement this interface to marshal a struct.


type UnmarshalIdentifier interface {
	SetID(string) error

This is the corresponding interface to MarshalIdentifier. Implement this interface in order to unmarshal incoming json into a struct.

Marshalling with References to other structs

For relationships to work, there are 3 Interfaces that you can use:

type MarshalReferences interface {
	GetReferences() []Reference

// MarshalLinkedRelations must be implemented if there are references and the reference IDs should be included
type MarshalLinkedRelations interface {
	GetReferencedIDs() []ReferenceID

// MarshalIncludedRelations must be implemented if referenced structs should be included
type MarshalIncludedRelations interface {
	GetReferencedStructs() []MarshalIdentifier

Here, you can choose what you want to implement too, but, you must at least implement MarshalReferences and MarshalLinkedRelations.

MarshalReferences must be implemented in order for api2go to know which relations are possible for your struct.

MarshalLinkedRelations must be implemented to retrieve the IDs of the relations that are connected to this struct. This method could also return an empty array, if there are currently no relations. This is why there is the MarshalReferences interface, so that api2go knows what is possible, even if nothing is referenced at the time.

In addition to that, you can implement MarshalIncludedRelations which exports the complete referenced structs and embeds them in the json result inside the included object.

We choose to do this because it gives you better flexibility and eliminates the conventions in the previous versions of api2go. You can now choose how you internally manage relations. So, there are no limits regarding the use of ORMs.

Unmarshalling with references to other structs

Incoming jsons can also contain reference IDs. In order to unmarshal them correctly, you have to implement the following interfaces. If you only have to-one relationships, the UnmarshalToOneRelations interface is enough.

// UnmarshalToOneRelations must be implemented to unmarshal to-one relations
type UnmarshalToOneRelations interface {
	SetToOneReferenceID(name, ID string) error

// UnmarshalToManyRelations must be implemented to unmarshal to-many relations
type UnmarshalToManyRelations interface {
	SetToManyReferenceIDs(name string, IDs []string) error

If you need to know more about how to use the interfaces, look at our tests or at the example project.

Ignoring fields

api2go ignores all fields that are marked with the json"-" ignore tag. This is useful if your struct has some more fields which are only used internally to manage relations or data that needs to stay private, like a password field.

Manual marshaling / unmarshaling

Please keep in mind that this only works if you implemented the previously mentioned interfaces. Manual marshalling and unmarshalling makes sense, if you do not want to use our API that automatically generates all the necessary routes for you. You can directly use our sub-package

comment1 = Comment{ID: 1, Text: "First!"}
comment2 = Comment{ID: 2, Text: "Second!"}
post = Post{ID: 1, Title: "Foobar", Comments: []Comment{comment1, comment2}}

json, err := jsonapi.MarshalToJSON(post)

will yield

  "data": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "posts",
      "relationships": {
        "comments": {
          "data": [
              "id": "1",
              "type": "comments"
              "id": "2",
              "type": "comments"
      "title": "Foobar"
  "included": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "comments",
      "text": "First!"
      "id": "2",
      "type": "comments",
      "text": "Second!"

You can also use jsonapi.MarshalToJSONWithURLs to automatically generate URLs for the rest endpoints that have a version and BaseURL prefix. This will generate the same routes that our API uses. This adds self and related fields for relations inside the links object.

Recover the structure from above using

var posts []Post
err := jsonapi.UnmarshalFromJSON(json, &posts)
// posts[0] == Post{ID: 1, Title: "Foobar", CommentsIDs: []int{1, 2}}

If on the other hand you want to change the response encoding while still taking advantage of the autogenerated logic you need to provide a ContentMarshaler for each Content-Type you would like to support.

The ContentMarshaler interface declares two functions

type ContentMarshaler interface {
  Marshal(i interface{}) ([]byte, error)
  Unmarshal(data []byte, i interface{}) error

These functions behave exactly like json.Marshal and json.Unmarshal from the standard encoding/json package, but you can provide your own implementation and they can even work with formats other than JSON. You can pass a map of content marshalers indexed by the MIME content type they're associated with to the NewAPIWithMarshalers function. The generated HTTP handlers will then select the appropriate marshaler to use based on what the client specified in the Accept or Content-Type request headers. Note that currently only the application/vnd.api+json MIME content type is standardized, but it's possible to use new content types through JSON API extensions.

Here's an example of providing a custom content marshaler that provides pretty-printed JSON responses

type PrettyJSONContentMarshaler struct {

func (m PrettyJSONContentMarshaler) Marshal(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
  return json.MarshalIndent(i, "", "    ")

func (m PrettyJSONContentMarshaler) Unmarshal(data []byte, i interface{}) error {
  return json.Unmarshal(data, i)

which you would use as follows

marshalers := map[string]api2go.ContentMarshaler{
  "application/vnd.api+json": PrettyJSONContentMarshaler{},

api := api2go.NewAPIWithMarshalers("v1", "", marshalers)

SQL Null-Types

When using a SQL Database it is most likely you want to use the special SQL-Types from the database/sql package. These are

  • sql.NullBool
  • sql.NullFloat64
  • sql.NullInt64
  • sql.NullString

The Problem is, that they internally manage the null value behavior by using a custom struct. In order to Marshal und Unmarshal these values, it is required to implement the json.Marshaller and json.Unmarshaller interfaces of the go standard library.

But you dont have to do this by yourself! There already is a library that did the work for you. We recommend that you use the types of this library:

Building a REST API

First, write an implementation of api2go.CRUD. You have to implement at least these 4 methods:

type fixtureSource struct {}

func (s *fixtureSource) FindOne(ID string, r api2go.Request) (interface{}, error) {
  // Return a single post by ID as Post

func (s *fixtureSource) Create(obj interface{}, r api2go.Request) (string, error) {
  // Save the new Post in `obj` and return its ID.

func (s *fixtureSource) Delete(id string, r api2go.Request) error {
  // Delete a post

func (s *fixtureSource) Update(obj interface{}, r api2go.Request) error {
  // Apply the new values in the Post in `obj`

To fetch all objects of a specific resource you can choose to implement one or both of the following interfaces:

type FindAll interface {
	// FindAll returns all objects
	FindAll(req Request) (interface{}, error)

type PaginatedFindAll interface {
	PaginatedFindAll(req Request) (obj interface{}, totalCount uint, err error)

FindAll returns everything. You could limit the results only by using Query Params which are described here

PaginatedFindAll can also use Query Params, but in addition to that it does not need to send all objects at once and can split up the result with pagination. You have to return the total number of found objects in order to let our API automatically generate pagination links. More about pagination is described here

You can then create an API:

api := api2go.NewAPI("v1")
api.AddResource(Post{}, &PostsSource{})
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", api.Handler())

Instead of api2go.NewAPI you can also use api2go.NewAPIWithBaseURL("v1", "") to prefix all automatically generated routes with your domain and protocoll.

This generates the standard endpoints:

OPTIONS /v1/posts
OPTIONS /v1/posts/<id>
GET     /v1/posts
POST    /v1/posts
GET     /v1/posts/<id>
PATCH   /v1/posts/<id>
DELETE  /v1/posts/<id>
GET     /v1/posts/<id>/comments            // fetch referenced comments of a post
GET     /v1/posts/<id>/links/comments      // fetch IDs of the referenced comments only
PATCH   /v1/posts/<id>/links/comments      // replace all related comments

// These 2 routes are only created for to-many relations that implement EditToManyRelations interface
POST    /v1/posts/<id>/links/comments      // Add a new comment reference, only for to-many relations
DELETE  /v1/posts/<id>/links/comments      // Delete a comment reference, only for to-many relations

For the last two generated routes, it is necessary to implement the jsonapi.EditToManyRelations interface.

type EditToManyRelations interface {
	AddToManyIDs(name string, IDs []string) error
	DeleteToManyIDs(name string, IDs []string) error

All PATCH, POST and DELETE routes do a FindOne and update the values/relations in the previously found struct. This struct will then be passed on to the Update method of a resource struct. So you get all these routes "for free" and just have to implement the CRUD Update method.

Query Params

To support all the features mentioned in the Fetching Resources section of Jsonapi:

If you want to support any parameters mentioned there, you can access them in your Resource via the api2go.Request Parameter. This currently supports QueryParams which holds all query parameters as map[string][]string unfiltered. So you can use it for:

  • Filtering
  • Inclusion of Linked Resources
  • Sparse Fieldsets
  • Sorting
  • Aything else you want to do that is not in the official Jsonapi Spec
type fixtureSource struct {}

func (s *fixtureSource) FindAll(req api2go.Request) (interface{}, error) {
  for key, values range req.QueryParams {

If there are multiple values, you have to separate them with a comma. api2go automatically slices the values for you.

Example Request
GET /people?fields=id,name,age

req.QueryParams["fields"] contains values: ["id", "name", "age"]

Using Pagination

Api2go can automatically generate the required links for pagination. Currently there are 2 combinations of query parameters supported:

  • page[number], page[size]
  • page[offset], page[limit]

Pagination is optional. If you want to support pagination, you have to implement the PaginatedFindAll method in you resource struct. For an example, you best look into our example project.

Example request

GET /v0/users?page[number]=2&page[size]=2

would return a json with the top level links object

  "links": {
    "first": "http://localhost:31415/v0/users?page[number]=1&page[size]=2",
    "last": "http://localhost:31415/v0/users?page[number]=5&page[size]=2",
    "next": "http://localhost:31415/v0/users?page[number]=3&page[size]=2",
    "prev": "http://localhost:31415/v0/users?page[number]=1&page[size]=2"
  "data": [...]

Fetching related IDs

The IDs of a relationship can be fetched by following the self link of a relationship object in the links object of a result. For the posts and comments example you could use the following generated URL:

GET /v1/posts/1/links/comments

This would return all comments that are currently referenced by post with ID 1. For example:

  "links": {
    "self": "/v1/posts/1/links/comments",
    "related": "/v1/posts/1/comments"
  "data": [
      "type": "comments",
      "id": "1"
      "id": "2"

Fetching related resources

Api2go always creates a related field for elements in the links object of the result. This is like it's specified on Post example:

  "data": [
      "id": "1",
      "type": "posts",
      "title": "Foobar",
      "relationships": {
        "comments": {
          "links": {
            "related": "/v1/posts/1/comments",
            "self": "/v1/posts/1/links/comments"
          "data": [
              "id": "1",
              "type": "comments"
              "id": "2",
              "type": "comments"

If a client requests this related url, the FindAll method of the comments resource will be called with a query parameter postsID.

So if you implement the FindAll method, do not forget to check for all possible query Parameters. This means you have to check all your other structs and if it references the one for that you are implementing FindAll, check for the query Paramter and only return comments that belong to it. In this example, return the comments for the Post.


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