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lang file how to run deps
ActionScript 3 .as redbean <> RedTamarin
Ada .adb gnatmake euler.adb; ./euler GNAT
AppleScript .applescript osascript <file> OS X
Bash .sh bash Bash
C# .cs mcs <file.cs>; mono <file.exe> Mono
C++ .cpp g++ <file.cpp>; ./a.out GCC / LLVM
CLisp .lisp clisp <file.lisp> CLisp
Cobol .cob cobc -x <file.cob>; ./<file> GNU Cobol
CoffeScript .coffee coffee <> CoffeeScript
Erlang .erl escript <file.erl> Erlang OTP
Forth .fs gforth <file.fs> GNU Forth
Go .go go run <file.go> Google Go
Haskell .hs ghc <file.hs>; ./<file> GHC
Java javac; java Main Java SDK
JavaScript .js node <file.js> Any JavaScript interpreter
Lua 5.x .lua lua <file.lua> Lua 5.x
Objective-C .m gcc -framework Foundation file.m; ./a.out Objective-C runtime, CoreFoundation
Perl 5.x .pl perl <> Perl 5.x
PHP 5.x .php php <file.php> PHP 5.x
Pony .pony ponyc; ./<file> Pony
Prolog .pro ./ SWI-Prolog
Python 2.7 .py python <> Python 2.7
Ruby .rb ruby <file.rb> Ruby
Rust .rs rustc <>; ./<file> Rust compiler
Swift .swift swiftc <file.swift>; ./<file> Swift compiler
TI-BASIC .tibas <file.tibas> pitybas
Windows Batch .bat wine cmd, then <file.bat> WINE or Windows