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Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata

This repository is the official implementation of Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata published in NeurIPS 2023. The repository builds on top of the repository of Multi-Robot Coordination and Layout Design for Automated Warehousing.


This is a hybrid C++/Python project. The simulation environment is written in C++ and the rests are in Python. We use pybind11 to bind the two languages.

  1. Initialize pybind11: After cloning the repo, initialize the pybind11 submodule

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  2. Install Singularity: All of our code runs in a Singularity container. Singularity is a container platform (similar in many ways to Docker). Please see the instructions here for installing SingularityCE. As a reference, we use version 3.11.1.

  3. Download Boost: From the root directory of the project, run the following to download the Boost 1.71, which is required for compiling C++ simulator. You don't have to install it on your system since it will be passed into the container and installed there.

    wget --no-check-certificate
  4. Install CPLEX: CPLEX is used for repairing the generated warehouse maps.

    1. Download the free academic version here.
    2. Download the installation file for Linux.
    3. Follow this guide to install it. Basically:

    During installation, set the installation directory to CPLEX_Studio2210/ in the repo.

  5. Build Singularity container: Run the provided script to build the container. Note that this need sudo permission on your system.


    The script will first build a container as a sandbox, compile the C++ simulator, then convert that to a regular .sif Singularity container.

For user in mainland China

If you are in mainland China, please use the corresponding script to build the singularity container. It will use the local mirrors in China to download relevant packages (mainly debian and python), which is much faster.

Optimizing Environments

Training Logging Directory Manifest

Regardless of where the script is run, the log files and results are placed in a logging directory in logs/. The directory's name is of the form %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_<dashed-name>_<uuid>, e.g. 2020-12-01_15-00-30_experiment-1_ff1dcb2b. Inside each directory are the following files:

- config.gin  # All experiment config variables, lumped into one file.
- seed  # Text file containing the seed for the experiment.
- reload.pkl  # Data necessary to reload the experiment if it fails.
- reload_em.pkl  # Pickle data for EmulationModel.
- reload_em.pth  # PyTorch models for EmulationModel.
- metrics.json  # Data for a MetricLogger with info from the entire run, e.g. QD score.
-  # Same as the config in the Slurm dir, if Slurm is used.
- archive/  # Snapshots of the full archive, including solutions and metadata,
            # in pickle format.
- archive_history.pkl  # Stores objective values and behavior values necessary
                       # to reconstruct the archive. Solutions and metadata are
                       # excluded to save memory.
- dashboard_status.txt  # Job status which can be picked up by dashboard scripts.
                        # Only used during execution.
- evaluations # Output logs of LMAPF simulator

Running Locally

Single Run

To run one experiment locally, use:


For instance, with 4 workers:

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 4

CONFIG is the gin experiment config for env_search/

Running on Slurm

Use the following command to run an experiment on an HPC with Slurm (and Singularity) installed:


For example:

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 config/hpc/

CONFIG is the experiment config for env_search/, and HPC_CONFIG is a shell file that is sourced by the script to provide configuration for the Slurm cluster. See config/hpc for example files.

Once the script has run, it will output commands like the following:

  • tail -f ... - You can use this to monitor stdout and stderr of the main experiment script. Run it.
  • bash scripts/ ... - This will cancel the job.


While the experiment is running, its state is saved to reload.pkl in the logging directory. If the experiment fails, e.g. due to memory limits, time limits, or network connection issues, reload.pkl may be used to continue the experiment. To do so, execute the same command as before, but append the path to the logging directory of the failed experiment.

bash scripts/ config/foo.gin 42 config/hpc/ -r logs/.../

The experiment will then run to completion in the same logging directory. This works with scripts/ too.

Environment Optimization Using QD Algorithms

The config/ directory contains the config files required to run the experiments to either train the NCA generators uing CMA-MAE or directly optimize the enviroments using DSAGE for different domains.

Config file Experiment
config/warehouse/even/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=0.gin Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=0) + NCA
config/warehouse/even/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=1.gin Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=1) + NCA
config/warehouse/even/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=5.gin Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=5) + NCA
config/warehouse/even/MAP-Elites_NCA_a=5.gin Warehouse (even) MAP-Elites (a=5) + NCA
config/warehouse/even/DSAGE_a=5.gin Warehouse (even) DSAGE (a=5)
config/warehouse/uneven/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=0.gin Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=0) + NCA
config/warehouse/uneven/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=1.gin Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=1) + NCA
config/warehouse/uneven/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=5.gin Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=5) + NCA
config/warehouse/uneven/MAP-Elites_NCA_a=5.gin Warehouse (uneven) MAP-Elites (a=5) + NCA
config/warehouse/uneven/DSAGE_a=5.gin Warehouse (uneven) DSAGE (a=5)
config/manufacture/CMA-MAE_NCA_a=5.gin Manufacture CMA-MAE (a=5) + NCA
config/manufacture/MAP-Elites_NCA_a=5.gin Manufacture MAP-Elites (a=5) + NCA
config/manufacture/DSAGE_a=5.gin Manufacture DSAGE (a=5)
config/maze/entropy_path_len/CMA-MAE_NCA.gin Maze (w/ entropy) CMA-MAE + NCA
config/maze/entropy_path_len/MAP-Elites_NCA.gin Maze (w/ entropy) MAP-Elites + NCA
config/maze/entropy_path_len/DSAGE.gin Maze (w/ entropy) DSAGE
config/maze/n_wall_path_len/CMA-MAE_NCA.gin Maze (w/o entropy) CMA-MAE + NCA
config/maze/n_wall_path_len/MAP-Elites_NCA.gin Maze (w/o entropy) MAP-Elites + NCA
config/maze/n_wall_path_len/DSAGE.gin Maze (w/o entropy) DSAGE

Optimal Optimized Environments (Manufacture and Warehouse Domains)

We include the optimized and baseline environments of size S and S_eval.

For size S:

Environment Environment file
Human-designed warehouse maps/warehouse/human/kiva_large_w_mode.json
DSAGE-optimized warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/dsage_comp/kiva_large_200_agents_dsage_opt_entropy_throughput_hamming_a=5.json
CMA-MAE (a=0) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy.json
CMA-MAE (a=1) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy_throughput_hamming_a=1.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy_throughput_hamming_a=5.json
DSAGE-optimized warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/dsage_comp/kiva_large_200_agents_dsage_opt_entropy_throughput_hamming_a=5.json
CMA-MAE (a=0) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy_uneven.json
CMA-MAE (a=1) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy_uneven_throughput_hamming_a=1.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/cma_mae/kiva_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_entropy_uneven_throughput_hamming_a=5.json
Human-designed manufacture maps/manufacture/human/manufacture_large_93_stations.json
DSAGE-optimized manufacture maps/manufacture/ours/nca_to_show/manufacture_large_200_agents_dsage_opt_alpha=5_sw=5.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) manufacture, opt maps/manufacture/ours/nca_to_show/manufacture_large_200_agents_cma-mae_opt_alpha=5_sw=5.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) manufacture, comp DSAGE maps/manufacture/ours/nca_to_show/manufacture_large_200_agents_cma-mae_idx_0=15_opt_alpha=5_sw=5.json

For size S_eval:

Environment Environment file
Human-designed warehouse maps/warehouse/human/kiva_xxlarge_w_mode.json
CMA-MAE (a=0) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt.json
CMA-MAE (a=1) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_throughput-hamming_a=1.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) warehouse (even) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_throughput-hamming_a=5.json
CMA-MAE (a=0) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_uneven_w.json
CMA-MAE (a=1) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_uneven_throughput-hamming_a=1.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) warehouse (uneven) maps/warehouse/ours/nca_to_show/xxlarge_maps/iter=200/kiva_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_uneven_throughput-hamming_a=5.json
Human-designed manufacture maps/manufacture/human/manufacture_xxlarge_1700_stations.json
CMA-MAE (a=5) manufacture, opt maps/manufacture/ours/xxlarge/manufacture_xxlarge_cma-mae_global_opt_repaired_one_endpt_throughput-hamming_a=5_sw=5_iter=200.json

Generate Environments with Trained NCA

To generate environments with trained NCA stored in the logging directories, run the following:

  • DOMAIN: kiva, manufacture, or maze
  • LOGDIR: path of log directory
  • SEED_ENV_PATH: path of the initial environment file
  • MODE: best or idx. best selects the best NCA generator from the archive according to the objective. idx selects NCA of specific index from the archive. The queried index is specified from QUERY parameter, see below. Note: only manufacturing and maze domains support idx mode.
  • NCA_ITER: number of iteration to run the NCA generator
  • NCA_ONLY: if True, only runs NCA, otherwise also runs MILP repair
  • SIM_SCORE_WITH: optional. Path of an environment. If provided, compute the similarity score between generated environment and the provided environment.
  • QUERY: optional. Index of the NCA generator to select from the archive under idx mode. For example "50,50" chooses the elite stored at index [50, 50] of the archive.

The generated environment will be stored to a directory named nca_process_<env_size>_iter=<NCA_ITER> under LOGDIR along with relevant metrics (such as the similarity score).

Evaluate the Warehouse and Manufacture Environments

Running Simulations

After getting the environments, we want to evaluate the environments by running simulations. To do so in the provided agent-based simulator, run the following:

  • SIM_CONFIG: gin simulation configuration file, stored under pure_simulation directory under config/<domain>
  • MAP_FILE: path of the environment to run the simulations in
  • AGENT_NUM: number of agent to start with while running simulations
  • AGENT_NUM_STEP_SIZE: step size of the number of agents to run simulations
  • N_EVALS: number of evaluations to run, interpreted differently under different modes, see example below
  • MODE: inc_agents or constant, see example below
  • N_SIM: number of simulations to run
  • N_WORKERS: number of processes to run in parallel
  • DOMAIN: kiva, manufacture, or maze
  • RELOAD: optional, log directory to reload an experiment

There are two modes associated with the MODE parameter, namely inc_agents and constant.

inc_agents mode: the script will run simulations on the provided environment with an increment number of agents. Specifically, starting with AGENT_NUM, it increment the number by step size of AGENT_NUM_STEP_SIZE, until the number of agents reaches AGENT_NUM + N_EVALS. For each number of agents, it runs the simulations N_SIM times with seeds from 0 to N_SIM - 1. All simulations run in parallel on N_WORKERS processes.

For example, the following command:

bash scripts/ config/warehouse/pure_simulation/RHCR.gin \
    maps/warehouse/human/kiva_large_w_mode.json \
    50 10 301 inc_agents 50 28 kiva

runs 50 simulations with 50 to 351 agents, increment in step size of 10, in the environment maps/warehouse/human/kiva_large_w_mode.json with simulation config config/warehouse/pure_simulation/RHCR.gin in the warehouse domain.

constant mode: the script will run simulations on the provided environment with a fixed number of agents with random seeds. Specifically, it runs N_EVALS simulations with AGENT_NUM agents, in parallel on N_WORKERS processes. Other parameters will be ignored but they must be given some dummy values for the script to pick up the correct parameter.

For example, the following command:

bash scripts/ config/manufacture/pure_simulation/RHCR.gin \
    maps/manufacture/human/manufacture_large_93_stations.json \
    200 10 100 constant 50 28 manufacture

runs 100 simulations with 200 agents in environment maps/manufacture/human/manufacture_large_93_stations.json with simulation config config/manufacture/pure_simulation/RHCR.gin.

Evaluation Logging Directory Manifest

Running the above scripts will generate separate logging directories under logs. The directory's name is of the form %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_<environment-name>, e.g. 2020-12-01_15-00-30_environment-1. Inside each directory are the following files:

- results # contains the configuration and result of all simulations, stored in json.
- map.json # the environment file


To generate the results shown in the paper, we will reorganize the evaluation logging directories in the following structure:

|___ Meta Directory of environment 1
     |__ Evaluation Logging Directory1
     |__ Evaluation Logging Directory2
     |__ meta.yaml
|___ Meta Directory of environment 2
     |__ Evaluation Logging Directory1
     |__ Evaluation Logging Directory2
     |__ meta.yaml

The evaluation logging directories are obtained by running the aforementioned script. The parent meta directories musted be created to group different evaluation logging directories. A meta.yaml file must be created under each meta directorty. An example meta.yaml is as follows:

algorithm: "RHCR"
map_size: "large"
mode: "w"
map_from: "CMA-MAE + NCA (alpha=0)"

where algorithm is the MAPF planner, map_size is the size of the environment (large for S and xxlarge for S_eval), mode is the mode of simulation (in this paper it's always w, denoting workstation), and map_from is the algorithm used to optimize the environment.

Then, the following script can be used to plot throughput vs. number agents and generate numerical results shown in the paper:

bash scripts/ <eval_exp_name> cross_n_agents

In addition, the following script can be used to plot number of finished tasks vs. timesteps:

bash scripts/ <eval_exp_name> cross_thr_time

In our experiments, we use CMA-MAE to train a collection of NCA generators and generate environments of size S and S_eval, getting the following throughput compared with human-designed and DSAGE optimized environments:

Domain Algorithm Throughput (S) Throughput (S_eval)
Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=0) 6.79 ± 0.00 N/A
Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=1) 6.73 ± 0.00 N/A
Warehouse (even) CMA-MAE (a=5) 6.74 ± 0.00 16.01 ± 0.00
Warehouse (even) DSAGE (a=5) 6.35 ± 0.00 N/A
Warehouse (even) Human N/A N/A
Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=0) 6.89 ± 0.00 12.32 ± 0.01
Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=1) 6.70 ± 0.00 11.56 ± 0.01
Warehouse (uneven) CMA-MAE (a=5) 6.82 ± 0.00 12.03 ± 0.00
Warehouse (uneven) DSAGE (a=5) 6.40 ± 0.00 N/A
Warehouse (uneven) Human N/A N/A
Manufacture CMA-MAE (a=5, opt) 6.82 ± 0.00 23.11 ± 0.01
Manufacture CMA-MAE (a=5, comp DSAGE) 6.61 ± 0.00 N/A
Manufacture DSAGE (a=5) 5.61 ± 0.12 N/A
Manufacture Human 5.92 ± 0.00 N/A

Scaling RL Policy in Maze Domain

We used a trined ACCEL agent taken from the repository of DSAGE to run the simulations.

The NCA generated maze environment of size S_evalis maps/maze/ours/nca_to_show/maze_xxlarge_nca_100_50.json. To run simulations, use the command:

bash scripts/ maps/maze/ours/nca_to_show/maze_xxlarge_nca_100_50.json 100

which runs maze simulation in the environment for 100 times.

We compare the performance of the environment in 100 generated baseline environments. To generate these environments, use the command:

bash scripts/ maps/maze/ours/nca_to_show/maze_xxlarge_nca_100_50.json 100 0.8 1.2

The command generates 100 maze environments the path length from start to goal of which is within 0.8 and 1.2 times the environment in maps/maze/ours/nca_to_show/maze_xxlarge_nca_100_50.json. The maps will be stored under a directory under logs.

Then, to run the simulations in the baseline environments:

bash scripts/ <baseline_envs> 100 32

which runs 100 simulations in each of the baseline maze environments under <baseline_envs> with 32 parallel processes and store the results there.

In our experiments, we obtain 22.3% as the average success rate with 3.0% as the standard error. In comparison, our NCA generated maze environment have success rate 93%.


  1. If you encounter the following error while running experiments in the Singularity container:

    container creation failed: mount /proc/self/fd/3->/usr/local/var/singularity/mnt/session/rootfs error: while mounting image`/proc/self/fd/3: failed to find loop device: no loop devices available

    Please try downgrading/upgrading the Linux kernel version to 5.15.0-67-generic, as suggested in this Github issue.

  2. On Linux, if you are running anything in the container from external drivers mounted to the home driver (e.g. /mnt/project), you need to add --bind /mnt/project:/mnt/project to the singularity command in order to bind that external driver also to the container. For example, if you are running an experiment from an external driver, run with:

    bash scripts/ CONFIG SEED NUM_WORKERS -p /mnt/project

    The -p argument helps you add the --bind argument to the singularity command in the script.


The code is released under the MIT License, with the following exceptions:

  • env_search/maze/agents/, env_search/maze/agents/, env_search/maze/agents/, env_search/maze/agents/, and env_search/maze/envs/ are adapted from the PAIRED codebase, which is released under the Apache-2.0 License, and the DCD repo, which is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
  • env_search/maze/agents/saved_models/accel_seed_1/model_20000.tar is the pre-trained ACCEL agent used in the experiments and was obtained directly from the original authors with their consent.
  • RHCR/ are adapted and modified from Rolling-Horizon Collision Resolution (RHCR) repo under USC – Research License.


Official implementation of the paper "Arbitrarily Scalable Environment Generators via Neural Cellular Automata", published in NeurIPS 2023.






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