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Releases: luttero/maud

New version 2.9993

02 Sep 02:06
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The new release fix some bugs for the linear absorption model of TOF neutron.
The MTEX model and interface is fully working now.
The first implementation of TOF 2D diffraction images using the LumaCam camera has been implemented and deployed. is the Windows 64 bit version.
Maud.tar.gz is the Linux 64 bit version.
Maud_arm64.dmg.gz is the Mac OS version for M1-M2 processors.
Maud_intel64.dmg.gz is the Mac OS version for Intel64 processors.

New version 2.9992

10 Aug 02:20
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Modified the Hippo Wizard by adding some new options for the background. In the parameters list window you can now select to view only parameters that are refinable. Modified also the iterations output to avoid listing parameter values each iteration. Windows x64 version
Maud.tar.gz: Linux x64 version
Maud_intel64.dmg.gz: MacOS intel x64 version
Maud_arm64.dmg.gz: MacOS arm 64 (M1 or M2 processors)

Unzip the files and place the program where you like. Double click the Maud.bat to start on Windows, use the to start the program on Linux. On Mac you get a dmg that you can mount by double clicking on it. Inside you get a, copy it to your preferred location. If, when you start it, it says that it cannot be run, open your System Setting of MacOS, go to privacy and security, first you have to enable app not only from the App Store to run, but also from developers, if it is already, just click you want to run the program anyway. Then try to run again the program. If you had to enable from developers, you have to repeat it again.

MAUD new release 2.999

03 Jul 08:10
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The new release fixes a bug that was slowing MAUD in certain analyses, mainly with texture on multiple datasets and with intensity or angle calibration. Windows x64 version
Maud.tar.gz: Linux x64 version
Maud_intel64.dmg.gz: MacOS intel x64 version
Maud_arm64.dmg.gz: MacOS arm 64 (M1 or M2 processors)

Unzip the files and place the program where you like. Double click the Maud.bat to start on Windows, use the to start the program on Linux. On Mac you get a dmg that you can mount by double clicking on it. Inside you get a, copy it to your preferred location. If, when you start it, it says that it cannot be run, open your System Setting of MacOS, go to privacy and security, first you have to enable app not only from the App Store to run, but also from developers, if it is already, just click you want to run the program anyway. Then try to run again the program. If you had to enable from developers, you have to repeat it again.

MAUD version 2.998, 6/2023

27 Jun 16:28
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This version was developed for LANSCE workshop on Mystic/Milk. Some bugs corrected.
Windows x64:
Linux x64: Maud.tar.gz
MacOS Intel x64: Maud_intel64.dmg.gz
MacOS M1/M2 x64: Maud_arm64.dmg.gz