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Plan, make, develop for presentations

Lupe CM edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 2 revisions

Plan, make, develop for presentations by @erickwendel_

Post first fount on a tweet thread

  1. List bullet points.

    These bullet points have as base the 5W-1H presentation techniques (

  2. I put sub-bullet points adding the detail I wanna talk about it.

  3. After that, I choose what would I do as demos searching on Google deeper about my topic

  4. I start creating the demo recordings, using @camtasia and @snagit as myself coding something on the terminal

  5. I start creating my slides using the @keynote based on my bullets points and searching fun gifs on @GIPHY

  6. using @keynote I create animations to exemplify daily scenarios and I get icons on @iconfinder and I create diagrams and workflows

  7. I enter in each slide putting speaker notes about what I wanna say there. It has helped me a lot to remember the topic when I must do the same talk in a different country.

  8. I play the presentation slides and start speaking to get vocabulary (in my mind) and train the time, to get the exacly time, I’ve used the #BillingTimer on apple.

  9. I publish it on @icloud and create the qrcode image and put at the end of slides. The whole process takes at least 10 hours to be finished but at the end the audience has given amazing feedback about it.