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Purpose of this repository

Know how to create a Go application, deploy to Heroku (automatically) and configure your domain to point the domain provided by Heroku.

Things you will learn

  • Use Git and GitHub
  • Create a simple Go backend server
  • Use Docker
  • Use Heroku platform
  • DNS configuration


  • Go
  • Heroku CLI
  • Git
  • Docker
  • Domain (optional)


Create a project in GitHub

  1. Go to and click "New"
  2. Check Add README and Add .gitignore and select Go from the list

Configure your SSH keys for GitHub

Clone the repository

git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/<YOUR_APP>.git

Write the code

We will write a simple server with single endpoint. The endpoint will be GET /ping and it will response a 200 OK status code and the message "pong". The folder structure will be:

| |-main.go         // Contains the entry point
| |-router
|   |-router.go     // Contains the router initialization
|   |-endpoints.go  // Contains all the endpoints
| |-paths.go        // Contains the paths of each endpoint
  1. Init the module
    go mod init <YOUR_APP>
  2. Download gin-gonic library
    go get -u

Create the Dockerfile

  1. Create a file with name Dockerfile in the root of the project with the following content
    # Use alpine (very lightweight linux distro) with Go installed as a base image
    FROM golang:rc-alpine3.14 AS builder
    # Create a folder called build
    RUN mkdir /build
    # Change the working directory to the new folder
    WORKDIR /build
    # Copy all the contents to the new folder
    COPY . .
    # Build binary
    RUN go build -o output ./cmd/main.go
    # Use alpine as a base image
    FROM alpine
    # Create a user
    RUN adduser -S -D -H -h /app appuser
    # Change current user
    USER appuser
    # Copy the binary created before to a new folder
    COPY --from=builder /build/output /app/
    # Change the working directory to the new folder
    WORKDIR /app
    # Execute the binary
    CMD ["./output"]
  2. Build docker image
docker build -t <YOUR_APP> .
  1. Run the image
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 <YOUR_APP>

Create the project in Heroku

  1. Go to Heroku Dashboard and click on New > New app
  2. Go to Deploy tab > Deployment method > Github
  3. Login with GitHub and search for <YOUR_APP>
  4. Click on Connect
  5. Click Enable Automatic Deploys

Configure your app to use containers

  1. Login in Heroku CLI
    heroku login
  2. Set stack to container
    heroku stack:set container --app <YOUR_APP>

Create the heroku.yml

  1. Create a file with name heroku.yml in the root of the project with the following content
        web: Dockerfile

Push your local changes

git add .
git commit -m "Initial version"
git push

Configure your app to point to your domain



Heroku backend example written in Go






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