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Padchest preprocessing

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Preprocessing stages for the PadChest dataset.

We assume that we are working under /home/user/padchest directory. Modify this conveniently.

  1. Download the dataset described by Bustos et al., 2019. Request acess from the bimcv website.

  2. Follow the preprocessing steps from Rx-thorax-automatic-captioning:

    1. Resize each image to 1024x1024px:

      mkdir 1024 ; find . -iname "*.png" | parallel convert -resize "1024x1024^" {} 1024/{}

  3. General structure: We will organize the dataset in 3 folders:

    1. Annotations: Contains all the non-image related information. E.g. Captions, labels, lists containing image/feature paths for each split, etc.

    2. Images: Contains the raw images from the dataset (conveniently resized).

    3. Features: Contains the features extracted for the images.

  4. Following this structure, lets organize our folders:

    1. Create the directories:

    mkdir Features Images Annotations

    1. Put the padchest csv into the Annotations folder:

    cp PADCHEST_chest_x_ray_images_labels_160K_01.02.19.csv Annotations

    1. Move all (resized) images to the Images folder:

    for folder in `seq 54` ; do mv ${folder}/1024/* Images; done

  5. Generate the lists for the dataset. You need to create 3 files. Typically, for split in ['train', 'val', 'test']:

    1. split_list_ids.txt: Contains the sample ids for each split.

    2. split_list_images.txt: Contains the path to each image for each split.

    3. split_list.txt: sample_id \t data_column1 \t ... \t data_columnN. Where data_column are labels (e.g. the reports).

    These lists can be generated with the script. For example, for using a 96% of the dataset for training (142k samples), a 2% for development (~3k samples) and a 8% for testing (~13k samples), execute:

    python padchest_preprocessing/ --root-dir /home/user/DATASETS/padchest/ --labels Annotations/PADCHEST_chest_x_ray_images_labels_160K_01.02.19.csv --fraction 0.9 0.02 0.08 -v
  6. Extract features from images.

    1. Make sure you correclty installed Mulimodal Keras Wrapper and Keras (or our version of Keras).

    2. Select the configuration of the extractor in feature_extraction/

    3. Extract the features!

    python padchest_preprocessing/eature_extraction/keras/
  7. Generate a list pointing to the extracted features: split_list_features.txt. Note that we also want to remove the MIME extension from the features, so we call this scrpit with the option --replace-extension 4:

python padchest_preprocessing/ --root-dir /home/lvapeab/DATASETS/padchest --features-dir Features/padchest_NASNetLarge/ --features NASNetLarge --lists-dir Annotations --extension .npy --replace-extension 4
  1. Retrieve only the captions from split_list.txt:
bash padchest_preprocessing/ /home/lvapeab/DATASETS/padchest/Annotations _list.txt captions
  1. Profit! This file structure can be directly applied on interactive-keras-captioning.

TO-DO list.

* Make `feature_extraction/keras/` work in batch.
* There are some pre-defined splits?