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Jörg Hohwiller edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 1 revision


In order to create a release of project artifacts and publish to maven central repo follow these steps:

  • prepare the release (run tests, etc.)

  • remove SNAPSHOT from versions in top-level POM

  • commit the changes

  • create a tag git tag -a releases/X.Y.Z -m "tagged X.Y.Z"

  • perform a build for deployment (you need the PGP key and pgp/gpg installed) mvn clean deploy -P mmm.deploy

  • go to OSS Nexus and login to verify that the deployed bundle appears in the queue

  • click on close to verify and close the queue

  • click on release to release the queue so it will be staged to central

  • For further details see OSSRH guide

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