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m3ng9i committed Jun 1, 2015
1 parent f285239 commit 6dc123e
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29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions query-parser/docs.go
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
This is a simple search query parser.
Search query is usually get from a browser's input box, and used for searching in a database. After receive the search query, we need to do some basic process on it and transform it to a structured variable. This package is for doing the job.
Syntax of search query:
1. All queries have a key and one or more values.
2. Key and values are separate by a colon (":"). And there's no space before and after the colon. Eg. key:value
3. If a key or value contains punctuations or spaces, they should be placed in quotation marks. Eg. from:""
4. Single quotes could placed within double quotes, and double quotes could placed within single quotes. Eg. "'key'":'"value"'
5. One key could have more than one values which are separate by comma. Eg. key:value1,value2,"value3"
6. Put a minus before key means negative. Eg. -name:"not this"
7. If a query does not contains a key, it's key is supposed to space. Eg. "a value not contains a key"
After process by function Parse, the search query will be transformd to a type of "Nodes" variable.
key:value -> &[{key [value] false}]
key1:value1 key2:value2 -> &[{key1 [value1] false} {key2 [value2] false}]
key:v1,v2 -> &[{key [v1 v2] false}]
"key has space":v -> &[{key has space [v] false}]
key:"value's space" -> &[{key [value's space] false}]
-key:"negative value" -> &[{key [negative value] true}]
"only value" -> &[{ [only value] false}]
two values -> &[{ [two] false} { [values] false}]
k1:v1 k1:v1,v2 -> &[{k1 [v1] false} {k1 [v1 v2] false}]
package queryparser
319 changes: 319 additions & 0 deletions query-parser/parser.go
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
package queryparser

import "fmt"
import "strings"
import "unicode"

scan state.
out means out of key or value.
eg. "abc":123
when the scanned char is a、b、c or 1、2、3,the state is in
when the scanned char is quote, colon or comma,the state is out
type scanState bool
const s_out scanState = false
const s_in scanState = true

type valueType bool
const v_key valueType = true
const v_value valueType = false

type quoteType string
const q_single quoteType = `'`
const q_double quoteType = `"`
const q_none quoteType = ``

type Node struct {
Key string
Values []string
Negative bool

type Nodes []Node

func (nodes *Nodes) append(node Node) {
if len(node.Values) > 0 {
var n Node
n.Key = node.Key
n.Negative = node.Negative
n.Values = reduceDupString(node.Values)
if nodes != nil {
*nodes = append(*nodes, n)

type InvalidCharError struct {
Char string
Pos int
Msg string

func (e *InvalidCharError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: \"%s\" at position %d", e.Msg, e.Char, e.Pos)

func reduceDupString(s []string) (n []string) {
var in = func(all []string, element string) bool {
for _, i := range all {
if i == element {
return true
return false

for _, i := range s {
if !in(n, i) {
n = append(n, i)


func isSpecialChar(s string) (t bool, err error) {

r := []rune(s)

l := len(r)
if l == 0 {
if l != 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("string must contains only one character, got %s", s)

if unicode.IsPunct(r[0]) || unicode.IsSymbol(r[0]) || unicode.IsSpace(r[0]) || unicode.IsControl(r[0]) {
t = true

func Parse(s string) (nodes *Nodes, err error) {

defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("PANIC: %s", e)

var phrase []string
var values []string
var node Node
nodes = &Nodes{}
state := s_out
vType := v_key
quote := q_none

for pos, item := range []rune(s) {

c := string(item)

if state == s_out {

switch c {

case `"`:
quote = q_double
state = s_in

case `'`:
quote = q_single
state = s_in

case `,`: continue
case `:`: continue

case `-`:
node.Negative = true

case ` `:
if len(values) > 0 {
node.Values = values
values = []string{}
} else if len(node.Key) > 0 {
node.Values = []string{node.Key}
node.Key = ""
if len(node.Values) > 0 {
node = Node{}
vType = v_key
quote = q_none

special, e := isSpecialChar(c)
if e != nil {
err = e
if special {
err = &InvalidCharError{c, pos, "Invalid character"}
phrase = append(phrase, c)
state = s_in

} // end of switch

} else {

switch c {

case `"`: fallthrough
case `'`:
if quote == q_none {
quote = quoteType(c)
if len(phrase) == 0 {
switch phrase[len(phrase) - 1] {
case `,`:
vType = v_value
values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))
phrase = []string{}
case `:`:
vType = v_value
err = &InvalidCharError{c, pos, "Invalid character"}
} else if quote == quoteType(c) {
if vType == v_value {
values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))
phrase = []string{}
state = s_out
quote = q_none
} else {
phrase = append(phrase, c)

case `,`:
if vType == v_key {
if quote == q_none {
vType = v_value
values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))
phrase = []string{}
} else {
phrase = append(phrase, c)
} else {
if quote == q_none {
values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))
phrase = []string{}
state = s_out
} else {
phrase = append(phrase, c)

case `:`:
if quote != q_none {
phrase = append(phrase, c)
} else {
if vType == v_key {
vType = v_value
node.Key = strings.Join(phrase, "")
phrase = []string{}
state = s_out
} else {
err = &InvalidCharError{c, pos, "Cannot appear more than once"}

case `-`:
phrase = append(phrase, c)

case ` `:
if quote != q_none {
phrase = append(phrase, c)
} else {

if vType == v_key {
node.Values = []string{strings.Join(phrase, "")}
} else {
if len(phrase) > 0 {
node.Values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))
} else {
node.Values = values

if (vType == v_key && node.Key == "") || vType == v_value {
node = Node{}

state = s_out
vType = v_key
values = []string{}
phrase = []string{}

if quote == q_none {
special, e := isSpecialChar(c)
if e != nil {
err = e
if special {
err = &InvalidCharError{c, pos, "Invalid character"}
phrase = append(phrase, c)

} // end of switch
} // end of else

//fmt.Println("c:", c)
//fmt.Println("phrase:", phrase)
//fmt.Println("values:", values)
//fmt.Println("node", node)
//fmt.Println("nodes", nodes)
//if state {
// fmt.Println("state:", "in")
//} else {
// fmt.Println("state:", "out")
//if vType {
// fmt.Println("vType:", "key")
//} else {
// fmt.Println("vType:", "value")
//fmt.Println("quote:", quote)

} // end of for

if len(phrase) > 0 {
values = append(values, strings.Join(phrase, ""))

if len(values) > 0 {
node.Values = values


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