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TypoVibe is a minimalistic Text editor. It's not much but it's something.


My approach is a little complicated and for this version probably too much but I have big plans for the future so I went with this.

Main Process

The main process is basically just a simple electron app, starting the application with the window and sets the necessary attributes, such as the application icon or the window title.

Renderer Process

The renderer process is started when the main process has finished setting up everything about the window.

Internal server

There's an internal server running with which the frontend (i.e. the renderer process) is communicating. I went with this approach so other contributers can easily access the same interface, no matter how they do it. Using the electron IPC workflow, a few issues would arise in which case the whole project would have to be rewritten. The default port for the internal server is 13395 (can be changed in the settings.json).

The internal server writes and reads to and from the settings.json/session.json


  • Ctrl + S - Save Note
  • Ctrl + K - Open Command palette
  • Ctrl + T - Focus title
  • Ctrl + B - Focus body
  • Ctrl + P - Toggle Markdown Preview


Please refer to commands.js to view all commands in json format

  • Command Palette - to execute all commands within seconds
  • Markdown Preview - to properly design markdown fitting to your needs
  • Auto-Save - so you never lose your stuff
  • Session-based - take off where you left last time


Currently, there are two color themes available (light/dark) but i'm planning on implementing a lot more cool color themes.



  • Node.js (version 14.x or higher)
  • npm (version 6.x or higher)

Clone the Repository

To get started, fork the repository and then clone it locally:

git clone{username}/typovibe.git
cd typovibe

Install Dependencies

Install the required npm packages:

npm install

Building the Application


To build the application for Linux, use the following command:

npm run make

The build artifacts will be located in the out directory.

Running in Development

To start the application in development mode:

npm start

This will build the tailwind css and launch the application.

Example GIF



We welcome contributions from the community! To contribute:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  • Make your changes.
  • Commit and push your changes.
  • Open a pull request. Please make sure to follow the code style.


This project is licensed under a Custom License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


For any questions or feedback, feel free to open an issue or contact the maintainer at

Thank you for using TypoVibe!