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Astro + Solid = Astrid

Fine grained reactivity and high performance of Solid.js, combined with groundbraking island architecture and adaptable deployment features (including SSR and Edge) of Astro — it's a match made in heavens!

🚀 Project Structure

Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│   └── favicon.svg
├── src/
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├── Counter.tsx
│   │   ├── Link.astro
│   │   └── Link.astro
│   ├── layouts/
│   │   └── Layout.astro
│   └── pages/
│       └── index.astro
└── package.json

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name. The Astro and Solid.js components are in the src/components/ directory. Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

⚙ Configuration

Astrid comes with Solid.js integration and SSR (with support for ReST API endpoints) configured. Moreover, tools like Prettier, ESLint, and EditorConfig are also included and preconfigured.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
yarn Installs dependencies
yarn dev Starts local dev server at localhost:3000
yarn build Build your production site to ./dist/
yarn preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
yarn astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro preview
yarn astro --help Get help using the Astro CLI
yarn format Format using Prettier
yarn lint Run linter using ESLint


Astro + Solid



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