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sparrpowR (development version)

sparrpowR v0.2.8

  • Fixed bug in calculation of False Discovery Rate in internal pval_correct() function
  • Fixed 'Moved Permanently' content by replacing the old URL with the new URL

sparrpowR v0.2.7

  • Migrated R-spatial dependency
  • Replaced raster and sp in Imports with terra because of imminent package retirement
  • geojsonsf, ggmap, ggplot2, sf, tidyterra are now Suggests because they are used in the vignette
  • Updated vignette and documentation throughout
  • Added GitHub R-CMD-check
  • Updated citation style for CITATION file

sparrpowR v0.2.6

  • Replaced if() conditions comparing class() to string with inherits()
  • Added future::plan(future::multisession) in tests to remove the files in temp directory
  • Updated maintainer contact information

sparrpowR v0.2.5

  • Updated dependencies spatstat.core and spatstat.linnet packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). All random generators in spatstat.core were moved to a new package spatstat.random
    • spatstat.geom, spatstat.core, spatstat.linnet, and spatstat (>=2.0-0) are no longer Depends.
    • spatstat.geom and spatstat.random are now Imports
    • is now Suggests
    • See the GitHub merge pull request.
  • Fixed annotation typos in the pval_correct() function

sparrpowR v0.2.4

  • Addressed ERROR on R-devel CRAN environments by setting parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy = sequential for all CRAN tests as suggested by the maintainer for the future and parallelly packages who is actively working on a solution. See the GitHub issue.

sparrpowR v0.2.3

  • Following advice from future package maintainer, now spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions reset future strategy when exiting
  • Addressed ERROR in MacOS CRAN environments by setting the parallelly.makeNodePSOCK.setup_strategy = sequential for MacOS environments running tcltk until parallelly (>=1.26.1-9002) is on CRAN. This workaround was suggested by the parallelly maintainer. See the GitHub issue.

sparrpowR v0.2.2

  • Removed LazyData: true from 'DESCRIPTION' file because the package has no data accessed via a data() command and has no data/ directory (in response to CRAN NOTE: 'LazyData' is specified without a 'data' directory)
  • Changed hyperlink for Stamen basemap in 'vignette' file with a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure destination
  • Added 'CITATION' file
  • Deprecation badges in 'jitter_power.Rd' and 'spatial_power.Rd' files now hyperlink to lifecycle site

sparrpowR v0.2.1

  • Updated vignette with appropriate hyperlinks

sparrpowR v0.2.0

  • Updates to dependencies
    • Updated spatstat package to new subsetted packages based on feedback from the Spatstat Team (Adrian Baddeley and Ege Rubak). spatstat.geom and spatstat.core packages replace spatstat package in Depends
    • Imports lifecycle package to document deprecated argument cascon in spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions
    • Replaced parallel and doParallel packages in Imports with doFuture, doRNG, and future packages to allow for parallel processing in spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions to work across all CRAN environments
    • Removed utils package from Imports because the progress bar in spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions is now produced with a helper function in utils.R that imports the iterators package
    • Removed tidyverse package from Suggests
  • Changes to DESCRIPTION
    • Added ORCID for all authors and contributors
    • Fixed typos in Description
  • Changes to spatial_data()
    • Used as.solist() to specify appropriate class to lists
  • Changes to spatial_power()
    • Added p_correct argument to apply a multiple testing correction
    • Fixed typos in documentation
    • Deprecated cascon argument (moved to spatial_plots() function)
    • Estimates case-only power (lower tail) and case/control (lower and upper tail) and captures both outputs. Case-only is now a one-tailed hypothesis test by default. The arguments lower_tail and upper_tail have been replaced with argument alpha
    • Used as.solist() to specify appropriate class to lists
  • Changes to spatial_plots():
    • Added cascon argument to toggle the display of case-only power (lower tail) or case/control (lower and upper tail) output
    • Added plot_title argument to toggle the display of titles in plots. Changed the default title names.
    • Removed main panel title in plots
    • Fixed default colors and removed mislabled midpoint color
    • Removed annotation from plot.ppp() in plot #3 and plot #2 (if points are not plotted)
    • Added scale argument to scale text for higher resolution plots
    • Added horizontal argument to toggle the display of the color key to be on the right (vertical) or bottom (horizontal) of plots
    • Added plot_axes argument to toggle the display of axes in plots
    • Added plot_square argument to toggle the margins of plots
    • Changed the value of cex.axis and cex in plots
    • Updated documentation with correct order of cols
  • Changes to jitter_power()
    • Added p_correct argument to apply a multiple testing correction
    • Specified all packages for functions
    • Deprecated cascon argument (moved to spatial_plots() function)
    • Estimates case-only power (lower tail) and case/control (lower and upper tail) and captures both outputs. Case-only is now a one-tailed hypothesis test by default. The arguments lower_tail and upper_tail have been replaced with argument alpha
    • Used as.solist() to specify appropriate class to lists
    • Updated example to reflect new updates
  • Changes to vignette
    • Set global chunk options
    • Named code chunks
    • Increased the sim_total value for a more realistic example
    • Specify all packages for functions
    • Updated code to reflect updates to functions in sparrpowR
    • Updated code to use sf package
    • Updated explanation of the cascon argument to plot various hypothesis tests
    • Changed cols values to be more visible
    • Used cut instead of reclassify in raster package for categorical plot
    • Created a new section called "Advanced Features" that has a new example run in parallel with a False Discovery Rate procedure.
    • Added detail about fewer-than-expected simulated point locations in the first example
    • Updated plots that spatially project data with CRS strings for PROJ6
  • Added utils.R file
    • Removed the helper comb() function functions from jitter_power(), spatial_power(), and spatial_plots() and added to the utils.R file
    • Removed utils package from Imports because the progress bar in spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions is now produced with a helper progBar() function
  • Added zzz.R file
  • Added package.R file
  • Updated testthat checks for parallelization and multiple testing correction in spatial_power() and jitter_power() functions