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Rent a Car

Java 21, Spring Cloud based microservices application for renting cars. POC of the Spring Cloud microservices architecture written in DDD and hexagonal architecture.



Tech stack

  • Language - Java 21
  • Frameworks - Spring Boot, Spring Cloud
  • Database - MongoDB
  • Message broker - Kafka
  • Search - Elasticsearch
  • Monitoring - Micrometer, Prometheus, Grafana
  • Tracing - Zipkin
  • Code analysis - Sonar
  • Build tool - Gradle
  • Containerization - Docker, Docker Compose



  • User can search for a car to rent by his coordinates
  • User can rent an available car
  • Position of the car is constantly updated and available for the administrator
  • User can return a car
  • User can see a history of his rents
  • Administrator can add or remove a car from the pool of the available cars
  • User is charged for:
    • distance traveled (to simplify - the distance is calculated as a difference between the current and the previous carLocation of the car) - 1$ per km
    • time of the rent - 0.2$ per minute


  • Gradle as a build tool
  • DDD and hexagonal architecture - keep application and domain logic independent of the framework. All beans shall be created in the infrastructure layer config classes. The only exception are the transactional annotations in the application service layer.
  • Domain events should be different from the events sent to the message broker. Domain events are used for internal communication between services. For the simplicity, we will use the same events for both internal and external communication.
  • Domain services should operate on pure data without commands. Commands reach the application service layer and from there we pass on pure data or domain DTOs.
  • Kafka as a message broker
  • Internal communication between services by events with sagas
  • Requests to the services through the API Gateway
  • API Gateway receives a success message right after submission of rent request - then asynchronous commit is sent after successful saga execution
  • In the final version use time series Cassandra column database for storing the car carLocation updates. At first - MongoDB shall be used.


  • rac-api-gateway - 8080 - API gateway
  • rac-user-service - 8081 - User management service
  • rac-rent-service - 8082 - Renting service
  • rac-search-service - 8083 - search functionality
  • rac-car-service - 8084 - car fleet management
  • rac-location-service - 8085 - gathering carLocation data of the cars and users. All the agents are sending the data to this service. Should use Cassandra column database for storing the carLocation data.
  • rac-simulation-service - 8086 - simulates the data of the cars and users
  • rac-discovery-service - http://localhost:8761/ - Spring Eureka server
  • rac-configuration-service - 8888 - Spring Cloud Config
  • MongoDB - 27017 - centralized database - each microservice will have a different schema
  • Cassandra - 9042 - time series database for storing the car and user carLocation updates
  • Message broker
    • Kafka - 9092 - message broker
    • Zookeeper
  • Search
    • Elasticsearch
    • Kibana
  • Zipkin - http://localhost:9411/ - distributed tracing service
  • Monitoring
    • Micrometer - observability facade
    • Prometheus - time series database
    • Grafana - http://localhost:9091/ - monitoring admin/admin
  • Sonar - http://localhost:9000/ - code analysis
component port comment group
rac-api-gateway 8080 HTTP API Gateway APP
rac-user-service 8081 user management service APP
rac-rent-service 8082 renting service APP
rac-search-service 8083 search service APP
rac-car-service 8084 car fleet management APP
rac-location-service 8085 Cars and users location service APP
rac-simulation-service 8086 Simulation service APP
rac-discovery-service 8761 Spring Cloud Eureka - discovery service APP
rac-configuration-service 8888 Spring Cloud Config - centralized config service APP
rac-mongodb 27017 MongoDB - database DB
rac-cassandra 9042 Cassandra - database DB
rac-kafka 9092 Kafka - Message broker MESSAGE BROKER
rac-zookeeper 2181 Zookeeper - Kafka nodes synchronization service MESSAGE BROKER
rac-elasticsearch 9200 Elasticsearch - for search... SEARCH
rac-kibana 5601 Kibana - Web UI for Elasticsearch SEARCH
rac-zipkin 9411 Zipkin - distributed tracing collector DISTRIBUTED TRACING
rac-prometheus 9090 Prometheus - time series database receives data from Micrometer agents MONITORING
rac-grafana 9091 Grafana - Web UI for the containers monitoring data stored in Prometheus MONITORING
rac-sonar 9000 Sonar - code analysis CODE ANALYSIS


User service events

event ID topic comment
RAC_USER_CREATED RAC_USER Sent when user is created
RAC_USER_DELETED RAC_USER Sent when user is deleted
RAC_USER_CHARGED RAC_USER Sent when user is charged for rent or due to some other reason

Car service events

event ID topic comment
RAC_CAR_CREATED RAC_CAR Sent when car is added to the fleet
RAC_CAR_DELETED RAC_CAR Sent when user is deleted
RAC_CAR_RENT_SUCCESS RAC_CAR Sent when car is rented
RAC_CAR_RENT_FAILED_ALREADY_RENTED RAC_CAR Sent when car cannot be rented - already rented by other user
RAC_CAR_RENT_FAILED_NOT_EXIST RAC_CAR Sent when car cannot be rented - car already not exist in the pool
RAC_CAR_RETURN_SUCCESS RAC_CAR Sent when car is successfully returned from rental
RAC_CAR_RETURN_FAILED_ALREADY_RETURNED RAC_CAR Sent when car cannot be returned - already returned
RAC_CAR_RETURN_FAILED_NOT_EXIST RAC_CAR Sent when car cannot be returned - already returned

Rent related events

event ID topic comment
RAC_RENT_REQUEST_USER RAC_RENT Sent when rent is requested to validate request in the user service
RAC_RENT_REQUEST_CAR RAC_RENT Sent when rent is requested and confirmed in user service. Car service should validate the request
RAC_RENT_CONFIRMATION RAC_RENT Sent when rent is confirmed in car service and should be confirmed in rent service
RAC_RENT_FAILED_USER RAC_RENT Issue in rent validation in user service. Consumed by
RAC_RENT_FAILED_CAR RAC_RENT Issue in rent validation in car service
RAC_RENT_SUCCESS RAC_RENT Sent when rent is successfully created and accepted

Return related events

event ID topic comment
RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_LOCATION RAC_RETURN Sent when return is requested to validate request and calculate distance traveled
RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_USER RAC_RETURN Sent when return is requested and confirmed in carLocation service to validate request in the user service
RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_CAR RAC_RETURN Sent when return is requested and confirmed in user service. Car service should validate the request
RAC_RETURN_CONFIRMATION RAC_RETURN Sent when return is confirmed in car service and should be confirmed in rent service
RAC_RETURN_FAILED_LOCATION RAC_RETURN Issue in return validation in carLocation service
RAC_RETURN_FAILED_USER RAC_RETURN Issue in return validation in user service
RAC_RETURN_FAILED_CAR RAC_RETURN Issue in return validation in car service
RAC_RETURN_SUCCESS RAC_RETURN Sent when return is confirmed and accepted

Location service events

event ID topic comment
RAC_LOCATION_USER_CHANGED RAC_LOCATION_USER Sent when user has changed his carLocation
RAC_LOCATION_CAR_CHANGED RAC_LOCATION_CAR Sent when car has changed his carLocation


Rent car saga

  • User sends a rent HTTP request to the API Gateway
  • API Gateway sends a rent request to the rac-rent-service (HTTP)
  • Rent service validates the request (final validation will be done in the last event) and checks if there is no active or requested rent for the user and car.
    • in case of success: creates a rent with status RENT_REQUESTED, starts a saga and sends a rent request to the rac-user-service (Kafka) - RAC_RENT_REQUEST_USER
    • in case of failure: sends a rent failure to the api gateway (HTTP)
  • User service validates the rent request. What should be validated: user exists, user is not blocked.
    • in case of success - sends a rent request to the rac-car-service (Kafka) - RAC_RENT_REQUEST_CAR
    • in case of failure - sends a rent failure to the rac-rent-service (Kafka) - RAC_RENT_FAILED_USER, then the saga is compensated in the rac-rent-service
  • Car service validates the request. What should be validated: car exists, car is available, car is healthy.
    • in case of success - sends a rent confirmation to the rac-rent-service (Kafka) - RAC_RENT_CONFIRMATION
    • in case of failure - sends a rent failure to the rac-rent-service and rac-user-service (Kafka) - * RAC_RENT_FAILED_CAR*. Then the saga is compensated in the rac-rent-service
  • Rent service receives RAC_RENT_CONFIRMATION message and validates if there is no active or requested rent for the user and car. If not, rent status is changed to RENT_CONFIRMED. Rent service sends an event: RAC_RENT_SUCCESS which is consumed by the car service and user service to fill in rentalId as a readonly cache used for search.

When a rental is initiated, customer and car GPS agents should increase the frequency of data sending to the carLocation service - once per 5s. Location service should update the car and user carLocation in the database and push notifications (RAC_LOCATION_USER_CHANGED, RAC_LOCATION_CAR_CHANGED) to Kafka (events consumed by the search, car, user and rent service). User is notified about the successful rent by the Websocket connection. In case of car failure, car healthcheck system sends contacts with car-service REST API to inform about failure. It should block user from returning the car and request contact the support.

Return car saga

  • User sends a return HTTP request to the API Gateway
  • API Gateway sends a return request to the rac-rent-service (HTTP)
  • rac-rent-service validates the request: if there is an active rent for the user and car.
    • in case of success - calculate distance traveled querying rac-carLocation-service by event (Kafka) - * RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_LOCATION*
    • in case of failure - sends a return failure api gateway (HTTP)
  • rac-location-service validates RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_LOCATION. In case of success:
    • calculates the distance traveled and sends a return request to the rac-user-service (Kafka) - * RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_USER*
    • in case of failure - sends a return failure to the rac-rent-service (Kafka) - RAC_RETURN_FAILED_LOCATION, then saga is compensated in the rac-rent-service
  • rac-user-service receives the request and tries to charge the user:
    • in case of success - charges user for the distance traveled (with proper policy), sends an event to the rac-car-service (Kafka) - RAC_RETURN_REQUEST_CAR
    • in case of failure - sends a return failure to the rac-rent-service (Kafka) - RAC_RETURN_FAILED_USER, then the saga is compensated in the rac-rent-service
  • rac-car-service validates the request (car health status, car exists) and:
    • in case of validation success - sets the car as available and sends a return confirmation to the rac-rent-service (Kafka) - RAC_RETURN_CONFIRMATION.
    • in case of validation failure - sends a return failure event to the rac-rent-service and rac-user-service ( Kafka) - RAC_RETURN_FAILED_CAR. Then the saga is compensated in the rac-rent-service (contact with support request) and rac-user-service (charged money is returned to the user).
  • rac-rent-service receives RAC_RETURN_CONFIRMATION message and validates if there is an active rent for the user and car. If yes, rent status is changed to RENT_RETURNED. Rent service sends an event: RAC_RETURN_SUCCESS which is consumed by the car service and user service to clear rentalId as a readonly cache used for search.

When a rental is finished, customer and car GPS agents should decrease the frequency of data sending to the carLocation service - once per 30s. Location service should update the car and user carLocation in the database and push notifications ( RAC_LOCATION_USER_CHANGED, RAC_LOCATION_CAR_CHANGED) to Kafka (events consumed by the search, car, user and rent service). User is notified about the successful return by the Websocket connection.


Simulation service let to simulate the data of the cars and users. It is used for testing purposes. Simulation is configured through the config service. It is possible to configure the number of concurrent threads simulating active sessions of users and administrators adding or removing cars from the pool of available cars. Scenarios have a probability to be executed. It is possible to configure the probability of each scenario.

Possible simulation scenarios:

  • User registers
  • User unregisters
  • Administrator adds a car
  • Administrator removes a car from the pool of available cars
  • User is locked by administrator - TODO
  • User is unlocked by administrator - TODO
  • Car is broken - TODO
  • Car is fixed - TODO
  • User rents a car - then localizations of the user and the car are updated and then user returns the car - success story
  • User tries to rent already rented car
  • Car's healthcheck system sends a message about car failure


Monitoring is based on Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana. Each service has a Micrometer agent that sends metrics to the Prometheus. Prometheus is a time series database that stores metrics. Grafana is a Web UI for Prometheus. It is possible to create dashboards in Grafana. All the required components are deployed in the docker containers. Grafana is available in the browser under http://localhost:9091/ with admin/admin credentials. Prometheus is available in the browser under http://localhost:9090/ without any credentials.


Tracing is based on Zipkin. Each service has a Zipkin agent that sends traces to the Zipkin server. The same trace ID is used for all the Kafka events and HTTP requests related to the same user request. Kafka events contains header traceparent with the trace ID formatted as 00-<trace-id>-<span-id>-<trace-flags> ( like 00-fe6938c57a2d70d8f85f1373c26c39b0-638a54064ebea9f0-01)

Build and run


Build with Gradle wrapper from the root repository directory:

build project

.\gradlew.bat build

Code analysis

To run Sonar code analysis, run the following command in the root repository directory with sonar container running locally. Then login with admin/admin credentials, change the password to admin1 and run the analysis with the following command:

.\gradlew.bat clean compileJava sonar

Build Docker images

Generate java docs


To run a project, at first, 3rd party services shall be started. To do so, run the following command in the docker directory:


Then run all the Spring Boot services with the following command in the root repository directory.


Test were written for the first 3 levels of the tests pyramid partially and only for the rac-user-service - as a POC.

Unit tests

Run unit tests with the following command in the root repository directory:

.\gradle.bat test

Integration tests

Run integration tests with Docker running and Testcontainers and the following command in the root repository directory:

.\gradle.bat integrationTest

Contract tests

To be done. Run contract tests with the following command in the root repository directory:

.\gradle.bat contractTest