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An open source framework for modular, extensible, experimental, network stack implementation.

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This is a README file for the FINS checkout.

NOTE: Unfortunatley, technical issues have taken down our wiki so for the time being I am adding a link to Module 2 of our 2013 Workshop Handout, to provide additional information about FINS and show how to configure envi.cfg. Sadly, since the workshop relied on precompiled binaries the step-by-step instructions may be slightly different and it is most useful as a supplementary guide to the instructions below.

Flexible Internetwork Stack (FINS) Framework v1.0.0 is a platform made to move the traditional TCP/IP stack to the user-space and enable easier research and development of new protocols. A much more detailed description of the FINS Framework along with in depth instructions are available on our wiki:

The FINS Framework requires the following libraries:
	C: libc
	Pcap: libpcap
	Config: libconfig (
	Pthread: libpthread

The FINS Framework has been made to operate across Linux platforms and has been successfully tested on Ubuntu and Android devices. Similarly a majority of the code/variables has been converted to platform independent values and has been evaluatated on 32-bit and 64-bit machines. Details and values that need to be changed are for the most part contained within the <FINS_ROOT>/settings.finsmk file. In addition this, the kernel components within FINS (the socket calls interceptor) has been tested on kernel versions 2.6 to 3.8, though requires some configuration. To configure the socket calls interceptor for the kernel version of the platform open <FINS_ROOT>/trunk/execs/wedge/fins_stack_wedge.c to lines 13-18:
//The FINS Framework socket interceptor (wedge) is compatible with kernel versions v2.6.38 up to and including v3.8.0.
//When configuring the wedge for a particular kernel it follows the format <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<REVISION>, where each variable is a single digit.
//For example for the Linux 3.2.0-030200-generic kernel you would use <3>.<2>.<0> .
#define KERNEL_MAJOR 3
#define KERNEL_MINOR 2

Debug Options
The framework has been coded with and provides several debug levels for outputing information:
* debug - white - for tracing function calls (Entered/Exited function)
* info - blue - human readable text that doesn't need context (resolved/didn't resolve MAC address)
* warn - yellow - potentially bad occurrances but not errors (poll not finding initial call)
* important - green - crucially important output (modules going up/down, console connecting)
* error - red - fatal errors

Each of these output leves can be enabled/disabled for the FINS Core before compilation by opening <FINS_ROOT>/trunk/libs/common/finsdebug.h to lines 14-19:
//commenting stops debug printout
//#define DEBUG
//#define INFO
#define WARN
#define ERROR

Similarly, debug in the kernel by the socket calls interceptor can be enabled/disabled by opening <FINS_ROOT>/trunk/execs/wedge/fins_stack_wedge.c to lines 24-29.

Build steps
Provided in the root directory of FINS (<FINS_ROOT>) is a build system preset for several platforms. The default platform is set to build on a x86 Linux system, which can be changed by editing the settings.finsmk file. Once configured, the build system simply requires the user to run the "make" or "make clean all" command. Finally, to ready the framework for execution or deploy the binaries to connected mobile devices run "make install". To recursively clean all possible modules/folders run "make clean_full".

Experiment Design steps
The FINS Framework sets up a protocol suite using configuration files provided by the user (or by default ./envi.cfg and ./stack.cfg), namely an environment file and a stack file. The environment file includes information about the identify of the node, including the available interface devices, their state, IP addresses of the node, and the starting routing table. The stack file includes the starting configuration of the protocol suite, i.e. the initial running modules and the links between them. For running a full stack on a new node, changes will primarily be needed in <FINS_ROOT>/obj/envi.cfg to reflect the interfaces and their MAC addresses. An example configuration of a fully functional stack is already provided in  <FINS_ROOT>/obj/stack.cfg.
!!!!See workshop Module 2 as a general guide for editing envi.cfg!!!!

Run steps

From <FINS_ROOT>/obj directory:

1) Make sure the desired interface devices are up and connected its gateway/access point (for simplicity).
$ iwconfig
$ ifconfig

2) Block traffic from the traditional stack:
$ ./

3) Insert the wedge LKM:
$ ./
$ <enter>
$ sudo modprobe fins_stack_wedge
$ insmod <FINS_ROOT>/trunk/execs/wedge/FINS_stack_wedge.ko

4) In a second terminal run the Capturer executable:
$ cd <FINS_ROOT>/obj
$ sudo ./capturer
Wait a few  seconds.

5) In a third terminal run the Core executable:
$ cd <FINS_ROOT>/obj
$ ./core
$ ./<FINS_ROOT>/obj/core -e <desired_envi.cfg> -s <desired_stack.cfg>
Wait a few  seconds.

5)Run the application(s).

Shutdown steps

1) Quit any application(s) or kill any application main process using FINS (typically any internet related programs).

2) Terminate the FINS core, typically through “Control + C” (^C)

3) Terminate the Capturer process, typically through “Control + C” (^C)

4) Remove the wedge LKM through:
$ sudo -r modprobe fins_stack_wedge
$ rmmod -f <FINS_ROOT>/trunk/execs/wedge/FINS_stack_wedge

5) If usage of the traditional stack is necessary reboot the system.

Note that the FINS Framework can be restarted by simply terminating and starting the Core executable, without removing the wedge and or terminating the Capturer executable.


An open source framework for modular, extensible, experimental, network stack implementation.






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