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Vince Vandormael edited this page Apr 17, 2021 · 2 revisions
  • "Discord ID" is the actual ID that discord uses, whereas "Internal ID" is the integer needed to reference a given channel to the plugin. This is explained on the main page of this wiki.

  • A user's "discriminator" are the extra 4 numbers added to a Discord username.

  • It is important for dest strings to be of DCC_ID_SIZE size.


  • Usage: DCC_FindUserByName(const user_name[], const user_discriminator[]), where user_name is the name of the user, and user_discriminator, their discriminator.
  • Returns: Internal ID of the specified user, with DCC_User tag.


  • Usage: DCC_FindUserById(const user_id[]), where user_id is the Discord ID of the user.
  • Returns: Internal ID of the specified user, with DCC_User tag.


  • Usage: DCC_GetUserId(DCC_User:user, dest[DCC_ID_SIZE], max_size = DCC_ID_SIZE), where user is the internal id for the given user, dest is an array where the Discord ID will be stored as text, and max_size is the size of the given string.
  • Returns: (?) Relevant data is stored in the given parameter.


  • Usage: DCC_GetUserName(DCC_User:user, dest[DCC_USERNAME_SIZE], max_size = sizeof dest), where user is the internal id for the given user, dest is an array where the Discord username will be stored, and max_size is the size of the given string.
  • Returns: (?) Relevant data is stored in the given parameter.


  • Usage: DCC_GetUserDiscriminator(DCC_User:user, dest[], max_size = DCC_ID_SIZE), where user is the internal id for the given user, dest is an array where the Discord discriminator will be stored as text, and max_size is the size of the given string.
  • Returns: (?) Relevant data is stored in the given parameter.


  • Usage: DCC_IsUserBot(DCC_User:user, &bool:is_bot), where user is the internal id for the given user, and is_bot is a boolean which will indicate wether the given user is a bot or not.
  • Returns: (?) Relevant data is stored in the given parameter.


  • Usage: DCC_IsUserBot(DCC_User:user, &bool:is_verified), where user is the internal id for the given user, and is_verified is a boolean which will indicate wether the given user is verified or not.
  • Returns: (?) Relevant data is stored in the given parameter.