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Made - Automate all your scripts

The made program is a command line tool that automates the execution of commands defined in Madefiles and Makefiles, searching for these files in various directories, concatenating their sections, and producing a shell script for execution. It extends the functionality of make by reading not only the Makefile/Madefile in the current directory but also Madefiles in different locations within the system.

Even if make is an excellent building tool, I only use it to remember long commands.

Guillermo Álvarez author of the made command

Table of Contents


Download the binary for your system from github and place it within your path.

Define scripts everywere

Contrary to make, made not only reads targets from the Makefile in the current directory.

It reads:

  • Madefile
  • madefiles/*.made
  • .madefiles/*.made

And it also loads Madefiles from different parts of the system.

  • Current directory
  • Each directory up until it reaches your HOME or /
  • ~/.config/madefiles
  • ~/.local/share/madefiles
  • /etc/madefiles
  • /var/lib/madefiles

The Madefile

A madefile looks like this:

# This is a comment
# And the header of the Madefile
# Every thing will be appended to the generated script

: ${BRANCH:?master}  # Assign a default value to the variable BRANCH

# Now we have the tasks
# they have a name semicolon dependencies and an optional comment prepended with #

deploy: check_clean # Deploy 
	git push dokku $BRANCH

staging: # Configuration for staging environment

	if ! $(git diff --exit-code > /dev/null) ; then
		echo "Can't operate while there are non commited changes." >&2
		exit 2
notify: # Notify in the chat 
run: # Run a command in the server
	ssh dokku $*

Now let's run it:

$ made staging deploy notify
... and it deploys stagings and notifies

The command

$ made # To display all the tasks
deploy  Deploy
staging Configuration for staging environment
notify  Notify in the chat

$ made deploy # To run a single task

$ made -s notify # Output the generated script
: ${BRANCH:?master}  # Assign a default value to the variable BRANCH

$ BRANCH=production made deploy  # Pass variables to made

$ made run -- help # Pass arguments to the script

Where to put the madefiles

madecommand searches for Madefiles in: All directories from current up to HOME.

It looks for files called Madefile or with .made extension, in the directory or inside a .made directory.


Visit the releases page download and unpack the binary in /usr/local/bin


Just run made --update


Whenever I wanted make to do more complex scripting, I spent a lot of time because Makefiles are not shell scripts, so I needed to relearn how to do it the make way.

Why can't make concatenate the scripts in a file and run it?