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Julian Konchunas edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 9 revisions

Solidity Events

Solidity events are interfaces with EVM logging functionality. Each event type is defined and emitted by the keyword emit (or without it in early compiler versions). They are subscribed to by off-chain applications.

Michelson doesn't have any analog for logging and that's why LIGO doesn't support events.

Solidity versions

Translation will fail if your .sol contract imports other contracts with different Solidity versions. You might need to manually go through every contract before translation and make them use the same version even for minor revisions.

Continue & Break

In Solidity one may skip executing single loop cycle by continue or halt loop execution by break statement.

LIGO and Michelson are both functional languages that have a difficult relationships with loops. It is impossible to interrupt loops in LIGO.

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Inline assembler

Inline assembly can be used for some low-level computations. LIGO doesn't have any analog for such a feature. Theoretically it could inline Michelson code, but supporting this is out of the scope of this transpiler.

Self recursion & function calls

Contrary to Solidity, LIGO only allows calling functions defined above. That's why it is impossible for the function to call itself or any method below.

Name length for types

Tezos does not support names longer than 32 characters for entrypoints. There is a related issue on Ligo Gitlab.

Number types

Solidity support a variety of types (up tо 256 bits) meanwhile default LIGO (and Michelson) mutez type is limited by 63 bits. That's why some operation may not fit into precision. It must be noted though int and nat are arbitrary-precision numbers, so they might be more than 256 bits long.

Hash functions

Solidity supports the following cryptographic functions: sha256, keccak256, ripemd160, sha3, ecrecover.

Meanwhile, Ligo only supports sha256, sha512, blake2b and crypto_check.


There is no direct translation of ecrecover to LIGO. You may want to attempt manual conversion though.

Solidity code:

ecrecover(hash, v, r, s) == address

is roughly equivalent to LIGO

Crypto.check (address, signed, hash)

Where Solidity v,r,s in a way are components of LIGO's signed signature

Unary ++ and -- operations

There is no direct analog in LIGO for unary expressions. We replace them with x = x + 1 or similar, but that is a statement, not an expression, those can't be used inside conditions like if (x++) for example.