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OpenHRM Scripts | Selenium Ruby using Rspec and Capybara

To run Selenium tests, Follow the cmd in Terminal:

bundle install
bundle exec rake spec

Project folder structure

├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Rakefile
├── base_class.rb
├── browsers
│   ├── chromedriver
│   └── geckodriver
├── credentials.rb
├── failures
│   └── failure_log.txt
├── locators.rb
├── message.rb
├── pages
│   ├── login.rb
│   └── nav_bar.rb
├── reports
├── spec
│   └── login_spec.rb
├── spec_helper.rb
└── wait_for_ajax.rb

Page object model and Fluent Interface are the test design pattern is used.