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Coding Task

I have done this task using Laravel5.3. I named the clients as employees here. I generated the Laravel's auth scaffold for the views and using the deafult bootstrap and laravel's style as a stylesheet. At First i analyse and divide smaller tasks and then i did the task.

Quick Demo

Some of the Created Files for task

  • Routes are define inside routes/web.php
  • EmployeeController is in laravel's default controllers directory
  • EmployeeRepository is inside of app/Repositories
  • For the csv data storage file can be seen inside of storage/app/employees/file.csv
  • For the master view i used layouts/app.blade.php and for the views can be see inside of views/employees directory

Code Climate Link

Some Extra Packages Used

How to Run this ?

  • Clone the project to your computer by running the command "git clone"
  • Rename .env.example file into .env and add your loggly token
  • Run commands "npm install" and then "gulp"
  • Go up to your project directory from command line and run the command "php artisan serve" or "php artisan serve --port your-port"
  • Go to your browser and type in the URL "localhost:8000" or "localhost:your-port"
  • Then, hopefully you may be good to go

Official Documentation

Documentation for the framework can be found on the Laravel website.

##Logging Of the Application

For Logging I used the for the cloud based logging. And Laravel's LoggerInterface and monolog library i used.

alt tag

Some References