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Combat log format

magey edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 12 revisions

All events

Index Field Description
1 sourceGUID Source unique ID
2 sourceName Source name
3 sourceFlags Source unit flags, see
4 sourceRaidFlags Source raid flags, see
5 destGUID Target unique ID
6 destName Target name
7 destFlags Target unit flags
8 destRaidFlags Target raid flags


SWING_DAMAGE follows the melee swing timer and is always sent. When Advanced Combat Logging is turned on, SWING_DAMAGE_LANDED is also sent which occurs when the actual damage of the melee attack is applied to the target (optionally following batch windows) and includes extra information about the target unit, while extra information about the source unit is added to SWING_DAMAGE.

Index Field Description
9 infoGUID* Unique ID of the unit the extra information is provided for
10 ownerGUID* Unique ID of owner (in case of pet, etc.)
11 currentHP * Unit current HP
12 maxHP* Unit max HP
13 attackPower* Unit attack power, values seem off for classic
14 spellPower* Unit spell power, values seem off for classic
15 armor* Unit armor
16 powerType* Power type, see
17 currentPower* Unit current power
18 maxPower* Unit max power
19 powerCost* Not relevant for normal melee swings
20 positionX* Unit X position
21 positionY* Unit Y position
22 uiMapID Map ID, see
23 facing* Unit facing direction in the [0, 2π] range
24 level* Seems to only make sense when the extra info unit is an NPC
25 amount Mitigated damage amount
26 rawAmount Raw damage amount (pre-armor, etc.)
27 overkill Overkill amount
28 school Spell school
29 resisted Resisted amount
30 blocked Blocked amount
31 absorbed Absorbed amount
32 critical 1 if critical hit, nil otherwise
33 glancing 1 if glancing blow, nil otherwise
34 crushing 1 if crushing blow, nil otherwise

* Only valid when Advanced Combat Logging is turned on, otherwise filled with zeros


This event is sent when a spell actually deals damage to a target as opposed to the spell cast succeeding via SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS. Resource checks/hit checks/damage calculations/etc. for a spell cast are done immediately and are reported via SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS right as the cast ends, and if the game determines that the outcome of the cast should deal damage then the damage is delayed until the next batch update and the time delta between this event and the preceding SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS that caused it can tell us how much the damage was delayed because of spell batching. If advanced combat logging is enabled extra information is provided for the target of the spell.

Index Field Description
9 spellID Spell ID
10 spellName Spell Name
11 spellSchool See
12 infoGUID* Unique ID of the unit the extra information is provided for
13 ownerGUID* Unique ID of owner (in case of pet, etc.)
14 currentHP * Unit current HP
15 maxHP* Unit max HP
16 attackPower* Unit attack power, values seem off for classic
17 spellPower* Unit spell power, values seem off for classic
18 armor* Unit armor
19 powerType* Power type, see
20 currentPower* Unit current power
21 maxPower* Unit max power
22 powerCost* Not relevant for normal melee swings
23 positionX* Unit X position
24 positionY* Unit Y position
25 uiMapID Map ID, see
26 facing* Unit facing direction in the [0, 2π] range
27 level* Seems to only make sense when the extra info unit is an NPC
28 amount Mitigated damage amount
29 rawAmount Raw damage amount (pre-armor, etc.)
30 overkill Overkill amount
31 school Spell school
32 resisted Resisted amount
33 blocked Blocked amount
34 absorbed Absorbed amount
35 critical 1 if critical hit, nil otherwise
36 glancing 1 if glancing blow, nil otherwise
37 crushing 1 if crushing blow, nil otherwise

* Only valid when Advanced Combat Logging is turned on, otherwise filled with zeros

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