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magicalhobo edited this page Mar 25, 2011 · 2 revisions

Parse a SWF and view the result:

public function parse(bytes:ByteArray):void
    var reader:AsyncSWFReader = new AsyncSWFReader();
    reader.addEventListener(AsyncSWFReaderEvent.TAG_READ, tagReadHandler);
    reader.addEventListener(AsyncSWFReaderEvent.READ_COMPLETE, completeHandler); SWFByteArray(bytes));
private function tagReadHandler(ev:AsyncSWFReaderEvent):void
    var current:uint = ev.context.bytes.getBytePosition();
    var max:uint = ev.context.bytes.getLength();
    trace('Read '+current+' bytes out of '+max);
private function completeHandler(ev:AsyncSWFReaderEvent):void

This example uses the AsyncSWFReader so that each tag is read separately. This way the UI remains responsive, since parsing Flex-based swfs may take a couple seconds.

Create a SWF from scratch:

private function create():SWF
    var swf:SWF = new SWF(
        new SWFHeader(SWFHeader.UNCOMPRESSED_SIGNATURE, 8, 0, new RectangleRecord(16, 0, 8000, 0, 8000), 24, 1),
            new FileAttributesTag(),
            new SetBackgroundColorTag(new RGBRecord(255, 0, 0)),
            new DefineShape4Tag(
                1, new RectangleRecord(13, 431, 3410, 370, 2430),
                new RectangleRecord(13, 441, 3400, 380, 2420), 0,
                false, false, false,
                new ShapeWithStyleRecord4(
                    new FillStyleArrayRecord3(
                        3, 0,
                            new FillStyleRecord2(0, new RGBARecord(255, 255, 255, 255)),
                            new FillStyleRecord2(0, new RGBARecord(255, 0, 0, 255)),
                            new FillStyleRecord2(0, new RGBARecord(0, 153, 51, 255))
                    new LineStyle2ArrayRecord(
                        1, 0,
                            new LineStyle2Record(20, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, false, 0, NaN, new RGBARecord())
                    2, 1,
                        new StyleChangeRecord4(false, true, true, false, true, 13, 3400, 2420, 0, 3, 1),
                        new StraightEdgeRecord(11, false, false, 5233, 0),
                        new StraightEdgeRecord(10, false, true, 0, 2056),
                        new StraightEdgeRecord(11, false, false, 2959, 0),
                        new StraightEdgeRecord(10, false, true, 0, 2040),
                        new EndShapeRecord()
            new PlaceObject2Tag(
                false, 1, 1, new MatrixRecord(null, null, new MatrixTranslateStructure())
            new ShowFrameTag(),
            new EndTag()
    return swf;

This will create a SWF with a red background, and green rectangle in it.

Modify SWF metadata:

public function modify(swf:SWF):void
    for(var iter:uint = 0; iter < swf.tags.length; iter++)
        var metadataTag:MetadataTag = swf.tags[iter] as MetadataTag;
            metadataTag.metadata = 'SWFWire was here.';

ActionScript Byte Code can be modified using the same low-level technique, but it's a bit complicated. APIs to simplify this are in development.

Write the resulting SWF to a ByteArray:

public function write(swf:SWF):void
    var swfWriter:SWF10Writer = new SWF10Writer();
    var result:SWFWriteResult = swfWriter.write(swf);
    writeBytes('output.swf', result.bytes);

private function writeBytes(filename:String, bytes:ByteArray):void
    var file:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath('output.swf');
    var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.WRITE);

You can quickly and accurately write tags from other SWFs as UnknownTags.