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magit-get{,-all,-boolean}: improve cache
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If magit--refresh-cache is activated, cache all config values at once.
Add tests for known tricky cases.
  • Loading branch information
npostavs authored and tarsius committed Oct 9, 2016
1 parent fe56d4e commit ecc4114
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Showing 2 changed files with 56 additions and 4 deletions.
29 changes: 25 additions & 4 deletions lisp/magit-git.el
Expand Up @@ -1463,18 +1463,39 @@ Return a list of two integers: (A>B B>A)."

;;; Variables

(defun magit-config-get-from-cached-list (key)
;; `git config --list' downcases first and last components of the key.
(--> key
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[^.]+" #'downcase it t t)
(replace-regexp-in-string "[^.]+\\'" #'downcase it t t))
(magit--with-refresh-cache (list 'config (magit-toplevel))
(let ((configs (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist (conf (magit-git-items "config" "--list" "-z"))
(let* ((nl-pos (cl-position ?\n conf))
(key (substring conf 0 nl-pos))
(val (if nl-pos (substring conf (1+ nl-pos)) "")))
(puthash key (nconc (gethash key configs) (list val)) configs)))

(defun magit-get (&rest keys)
"Return the value of Git config entry specified by KEYS."
(magit-git-str "config" (mapconcat 'identity keys ".")))
(car (last (apply 'magit-get-all keys))))

(defun magit-get-all (&rest keys)
"Return all values of the Git config entry specified by KEYS."
(let ((magit-git-debug nil))
(magit-git-items "config" "-z" "--get-all" (mapconcat 'identity keys "."))))
(let ((magit-git-debug nil)
(key (mapconcat 'identity keys ".")))
(if magit--refresh-cache
(magit-config-get-from-cached-list key)
(magit-git-items "config" "-z" "--get-all" key))))

(defun magit-get-boolean (&rest keys)
"Return the boolean value of Git config entry specified by KEYS."
(magit-git-true "config" "--bool" (mapconcat 'identity keys ".")))
(let ((key (mapconcat 'identity keys ".")))
(if magit--refresh-cache
(equal "true" (car (magit-config-get-from-cached-list key)))
(magit-git-true "config" "--bool" key))))

(defun magit-set (val &rest keys)
"Set Git config settings specified by KEYS to VAL."
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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions t/magit-tests.el
Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,37 @@
(should (equal (magit-toplevel "wrap/subsubdir-link")
(expand-file-name "repo/"))))

(defun magit-test-magit-get ()
(should (equal (magit-get-all "a.b") '("val1" "val2")))
(should (equal (magit-get "a.b") "val2"))
(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "../remote/")))
(should (equal (magit-get "a.b") "remote-value")))
(should (equal (magit-get "CAM.El.Case.VAR") "value"))
(should (equal (magit-get "a.b2") "line1\nline2")))

(ert-deftest magit-get ()
(magit-git "init" "remote")
(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "remote/")))
(magit-git "commit" "-m" "init" "--allow-empty")
(magit-git "config" "a.b" "remote-value"))
(magit-git "init" "super")
(setq default-directory (expand-file-name "super/"))
;; Some tricky cases:
;; Multiple config values.
(magit-git "config" "a.b" "val1")
(magit-git "config" "--add" "a.b" "val2")
;; CamelCase variable names.
(magit-git "config" "Cam.El.Case.Var" "value")
;; Values with newlines.
(magit-git "config" "a.b2" "line1\nline2")
;; Config variables in submodules.
(magit-git "submodule" "add" "../remote" "repo/")

(let ((magit--refresh-cache (list (cons 0 0))))

(ert-deftest magit-get-boolean ()
(magit-git "config" "a.b" "true")
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