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lua-fsrouter is a filesystem-based url router based on lua-plut.


luarocks install fsrouter

Error Handling

the following functions return the error object created by module.

Create a router from the base directory

r, err, routes = pathname [, opts] )

create a new router based on the specified directory.


  • pathname:string: path of the base directory.
  • opts:table
    • follow_symlink:boolean: follow symbolic links. (default false)
    • trim_extensions:string[]: list of extensions to be removed from the route path. (default { '.html', '.htm } )
    • mimetypes:string: mime types definition string. (default: mediatype.default)
    • static:string[]: list of static directories. files except the filter handler files in the listed directories are treated as static files. (default: nil)
    • ignore:string[]: regular expression for filenames to ignore. (default: fsrouter.default.ignore)
    • no_ignore:string[]: regular expressions for filenames not to ignore. (default: fsrouter.default.no_ignore)
    • loadfenv:function: function that returns the environment table of a handler function. (default: fsrouter.default.loadfenv)
    • compiler:function: function to compile a handler file.
      -- Specification of the compiler function
      methods [, err] = compiler( pathname )
      - `pathname:string`: path of the target file.
      - `methods:table<string, function>`: method-name/function pairs.
         method-name must be one of the following names:
           'all' / 'any' / 'get' / 'head' / 'post' / 'put' / 'delete' / 
           'connect' / 'trace' / 'patch'.


  • r:fsrouter: instance of fsrouter.
  • err:error: error message.
  • routes:table[]: registered routing table.

URL parameter files and directories

fsrouter uses files and directories with the $ and * prefixes as parameter segments.

├── $user
│   ├── $repo.html
│   └── contents
│       └── *id.html
└── index.html

the above directory layout will be converted into the following routing table.

  • /
  • /:user/:repo
  • /:user/contents/*id

Handler Files

fsrouter manages files with the @ and # prefixes as handler files.

the functions described in the handler file are categorized as follows, and stored in the methods table for each route as method name/functions pairs.

NOTE: the filter handler will be used in the defined directory and the directories under it.

Describe handler function

fsrouter specifies only how to define a function. the specifications of function arguments and return values are left to the user.

In the default compiler, the handler function should be written as follows.

-- the handler table is a proxy for registering functions.

-- describe a get handler directly
local function get()
    -- describe the contents...

-- describe a post handler locally
local function do_handle_post_request()
    -- describe the contents...

return {
    -- assign get function as a get handler
    get = get,
    -- assign do_handle_post_request function as a post handler
    post = do_handle_post_request

The following names can be specified for the handler name;

  • all: this method is only available for filter handlers.
  • any: this method is used when there is no corresponding method except all method.
  • get, head, post, put, delete, connect, trace, patch.

@ prefix is used as the content handler file.

└── $user
    ├── @index.lua     <-- @index.lua is used as a handler for index.html
    ├── @profile.lua
    └── index.html

the above directory layout will be converted into the following routing table.

  • /:user
  • /:user/profile

NOTE: if the basename of the handler file matches the basename of a static file in the same directory, it will be used as the content handler for the matched static file.

# prefix is used as the filter handler file.

├── #1.block_ip.lua
├── #2.check_user.lua
├── $user
│   ├── #1.block_user.lua
│   └── index.html
├── index.html
└── signin
    ├── #-.block_ip.lua     <-- disable the #1.block_ip.lua filter handlers
    ├── #-.check_user.lua   <-- disable the #2.check_user.lua filter handlers
    └── index.html

the above directory layout will be converted into the following routing table.

  • /
  • /signin
  • /:user

NOTE: the number following the # prefix indicates the priority. smaller numbers have higher priority, and the same priority number cannot be specified. also, you can disable the filter to specify - instead of a number.

Getting the route value by pathname

v, err, glob = r:lookup( pathname )

getting the route value in the specified pathname.


  • pathname:string: target pathname.


  • val:any: the route value in the specified pathname.
  • err:error: an error message.
  • glob:table: holds the the values of variable segment.


example document root directory.

├── #1.block_ip.lua
├── #2.check_user.lua
├── $user
│   ├── #1.block_user.lua
│   ├── @index.lua
│   ├── @profile.lua
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── posts
│   │   ├── #1.extract_id.lua
│   │   ├── *id.html
│   │   ├── @*id.lua
│   │   ├── @index.lua
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── profile.html
├── @index.lua
├── @settings.lua
├── api
│   └── @index.lua
├── index.html
├── settings.html
└── signin
    ├── #-.block_ip.lua
    ├── #-.check_user.lua
    ├── @index.lua
    └── index.html
local dump = require('dump')
local fsrouter = require('fsrouter')

-- create a new router based on the specified directory
local r ='html')
-- lookup route
local route, err, glob = r:lookup('/foobar/posts/post-id/hello-my-post')
    route = route,
    err = err,
    glob = glob,
Output of the above code
  glob = {
    id = "post-id/hello-my-post",
    user = "foobar"
  route = {
    file = {
      charset = "us-ascii",
      ctime = 1642664589.0,
      entry = "*id.html",
      ext = ".html",
      mime = "text/html",
      mtime = 1642664589.0,
      pathname = "/***/html/$user/posts/*id.html",
      rpath = "/$user/posts/*id.html",
      size = 10.0,
      type = "file"
    filters = {
      all = {
        [1] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe21540",
          name = "block_ip.lua",
          order = 1,
          stat = {
            charset = "us-ascii",
            ctime = 1642664589.0,
            entry = "#1.block_ip.lua",
            ext = ".lua",
            methods = {
              all = "function: 0x7f92cbe21540"
            mtime = 1642664589.0,
            order = 1,
            pathname = "/***/html/#1.block_ip.lua",
            rpath = "/#1.block_ip.lua",
            size = 201.0
        [2] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe1f100",
          name = "check_user.lua",
          order = 2,
          stat = {
            charset = "us-ascii",
            ctime = 1642664589.0,
            entry = "#2.check_user.lua",
            ext = ".lua",
            methods = {
              all = "function: 0x7f92cbe1f100"
            mtime = 1642664589.0,
            order = 2,
            pathname = "/***/html/#2.check_user.lua",
            rpath = "/#2.check_user.lua",
            size = 275.0
        [3] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd0bc40",
          name = "block_user.lua",
          order = 1,
          stat = {
            charset = "us-ascii",
            ctime = 1642664589.0,
            entry = "#1.block_user.lua",
            ext = ".lua",
            methods = {
              all = "function: 0x7f92cdd0bc40"
            mtime = 1642664589.0,
            order = 1,
            pathname = "/***/html/$user/#1.block_user.lua",
            rpath = "/$user/#1.block_user.lua",
            size = 168.0
        [4] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd15280",
          name = "extract_id.lua",
          order = 1,
          stat = {
            charset = "us-ascii",
            ctime = 1642664589.0,
            entry = "#1.extract_id.lua",
            ext = ".lua",
            methods = {
              all = "function: 0x7f92cdd15280"
            mtime = 1642664589.0,
            order = 1,
            pathname = "/***/html/$user/posts/#1.extract_id.lua",
            rpath = "/$user/posts/#1.extract_id.lua",
            size = 170.0
    handler = {
      charset = "us-ascii",
      ctime = 1642664589.0,
      entry = "@*id.lua",
      ext = ".lua",
      methods = {
        any = "function: 0x7f92cdd140a0",
        get = "function: 0x7f92cdd14010"
      mtime = 1642664589.0,
      pathname = "/***/html/$user/posts/@*id.lua",
      rpath = "/$user/posts/@*id.lua",
      size = 173.0
    methods = {
      any = {
        [1] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe21540",
          idx = 1,
          method = "all",
          name = "/#1.block_ip.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [2] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe1f100",
          idx = 2,
          method = "all",
          name = "/#2.check_user.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [3] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd0bc40",
          idx = 3,
          method = "all",
          name = "/$user/#1.block_user.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [4] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd15280",
          idx = 4,
          method = "all",
          name = "/$user/posts/#1.extract_id.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [5] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd140a0",
          method = "any",
          name = "/$user/posts/@*id.lua",
          type = "handler"
      get = {
        [1] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe21540",
          idx = 1,
          method = "all",
          name = "/#1.block_ip.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [2] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cbe1f100",
          idx = 2,
          method = "all",
          name = "/#2.check_user.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [3] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd0bc40",
          idx = 3,
          method = "all",
          name = "/$user/#1.block_user.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [4] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd15280",
          idx = 4,
          method = "all",
          name = "/$user/posts/#1.extract_id.lua",
          type = "filter"
        [5] = {
          fn = "function: 0x7f92cdd14010",
          method = "get",
          name = "/$user/posts/@*id.lua",
          type = "handler"
    name = "*id",
    rpath = "/:user/posts/*id"


filesystem based url router







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