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Omphalos - A set of libraries for collecting logs

Omphalos is a set of components that can be used for collecting logs from a distributed set of servers. Broadly, the components are defined as follows

 Source   +---------+    +--------+    +-----------+     +-----------+    +--------+
 -------->| Monitor |--->| Parser |--->| Transport |---->| Collector |--->| Output |
          +---------+    +--------+    +-----------+     +-----------+    +--------+

Each component is defined as a plugin


Plugins for monitoring log sources.

Current plugins provide for using INotify (Linux) or Poll mechanisms to tail files.

TODO: Try using python watchdog for providing a platform independent mechanism for monitoring files


Each line obtained by the monitor plugin is passed to a parser which converts it to a common data format.

Current plugins are for tailing and parsing CLF and W3C formatted logs


Transport plugins take care of sending the data to the collector, which could be local or remote.

Currently, a dummy plugin is provided which just appends the data to a local collector

TODO: Implement transport plugins using ZeroMQ, UDP, AMQP etc. (kombu?)


Collector plugins collect and store the data. They also provide APIs for querying the data

Current plugins implemented

  • An aggregator plugin which simply keeps a summary of the data
  • A sliding window plugin which keeps data for a pre-defined period
  • A skeletal ElasticSearch plugin which can be used for storing data in ElasticSearch

TODO Plugins

  • An HBase or OpenTSDB plugin


Output plugins are used for displaying the data from the collectors

Current plugins implemented

  • A console plugin which uses ncurses to display the data in the console. This also supports displaying alerts and clearing them (for individual URIs or for the entire site)

TODO plugins

  • A web UI using Django and D3.js


The library can be used by chaining different plugins together

A sample daemon is provided which can be used for showcasing how the interfaces can be used

$ /path/to/access.log
$ --help


  • pyinotify
  • curses - for console display output plugin
  • pyes - for ElasticSearch collector plugin
  • cement - for the httptop command

Known gotchas

  • Not heavily tested. The usage of inotify for some cases has not been tested
  • The sample daemon uses threads. Need to think of better approaches
  • The console for displaying must be the standard 23*80. If the window becomes smaller the app will die
  • If the monitoring thread dies, the app will just keep waiting for data till user hits 'q'. Need to implement a better mechanism for thread monitoring (avoid threads if possible)
  • The output colour scheme is desined for black console backgrounds (with coloured text). Need to test these values on other background colours
  • The console output plugin can potentially block when it is requesting the collector for summary (say ElasticSearch etc.). This needs to be handled

Possible improvements

  • Move to python watchdog for better platform independent stuff
  • Use cement for providing better command line option handling
  • Support for configuration files (using cement)
  • Defining the data chain/pipe
  • Configurations for each plugin
  • Implement using proper transport plugins for ZeroMQ, UDP based etc.
  • A for installation
  • init scripts for daemonizing monitors and collectors
  • Single monitor process for multiple files
  • Support for monitoring directories

Tests to be done

  • Check for log file truncation
  • Check for unmount of underlying file system
  • Test for w3c formatted log files


A set of libraries for collecting logs







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