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Lab Day 1

Create CRUD Operation using async fucntions file system database

Lab Day 2

Create CRUD Operation using express on file system database

Lab Day 3

Start new express app Use morgan to log the requests serve the following apis A todo has id, title, status

  • api to create new todo inside todos.json
  • api to get all todos with filter for status
  • api to get a single todo based on id
  • api to edit a single todo based on id
  • api to delete a single todo based on id In get todos api provide a filter for status


In create and update apis validate user’s data for title and status, the title should be a string with minimum 3 and maximum 20 length, the status should be one of these values(todo, in-progress, done)

Day 4 Lab

  • Implement Authentication and authorization functionality in our todo app (singup and signin).
  • Use bcrypt and jsonwebtoken packages when needed.
  • Use Joi Package to validate the incoming body request
  • Protect creating,updating and deleting todo apis so that only authorized user can perform these actions

Lab 5

Create relationship between user and todo models so that one user can have more than one todo. Implement the following guidelines while building your todo apis.

  • When creating todo it must belong to certain user
  • When getting todos only the logged in user todos are returned Notes to consider:
  • Use environment variables to protect sensitive data (dotenv)
  • Use cors policy to allow requests from clients (cors)
  • Upload the final project to github.
  • Protect sensitive information like password form returning in response


Deploy the app to service provider such as render