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The project aims at building a data platform for real time moderation and analytics of twitter data. The implementation will utilize different big data technologies as Spark, Kafka and Hive, in addition to visualization tool (Power BI) for data discovery and delivering insights.


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Sentiment analysis on streaming tweets using Spark DStream, Kafka and Python

Regarding the situation all over the world I'll be focusing on COVID19. The project aims at building a data platform streaming and analyzing of twitter data and the implementation will utilize different big data technologies as i'll describe below:

Architecture Description

1.After streaming this data and sending it to Kafka.
2.Start streaming it using Spark to:
  a-Process this tweets.
  b-Reply to user based on the sentiment_analysis.
  c-writing parquet files of this tweets on HDFS.
3.Build a hive table on top of these parquet files.
4.And last but not least using Power BI for visualiztion for delivering insights and data discovery.

Architecture Design

# Pipeline


Covid-19 insights

# Visualization # Visualization

Vaccine insights

# Visualization

Setting up the Development Environment (those are main packages you can find rest of them inside the code):

a)Create a twitter Developer Account Application to get an authentication keys to fetch data through their API. b)Synchronizes HDP datetime with UTC (Universal Time Coordination), which Sandbox runs on, it is needed to avoid running into authentication errors when connecting to the Twitter API, use:

ntpdate -u >>>

OR to adjust it with your timezone like me in Egypt:

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Africa/Cairo >>> THEN >>> date -s "02 MAY 2021 13:40:00" >>>

b) HDP 2.6.5

c) Creating virtual environemt (with these main packages):

python3.6 -m venv ./iti41 >>> source iti41/bin/activate >>> pip install --upgrade pip >>> pip install confluent-kafka >>> pip install pyspark==2.4.6 >>> pip install tweepy >>> pip install textblob >>>


    a) Put you Tokens, Keys in the key dictionary.
    b) Edit the parquet_directory with wherever you want to save your parquet files.
    c) Change #HASHTAG ,date_since & date_until with whatever value you want.
    d) NOTE: you'll need to change the #HASHTAG value inside [ ] each time you fetch #HASHTAG tweets.

    a) NOTE: first run the to create the Kafka-topic (you can run it only for few seconds)  
    b) RUN: python
    c) You can remove whatever prints in the code, just put them to demonstrate how the data looks like to get you deeply inside the code.

    a) Make sure to run this first then run (of course after creating the topic in step-2-a)
    a) RUN: spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-streaming-kafka-0-8-assembly_2.11:2.4.6  --master local

4. HIVE table
a) create database twitter

b) 1st table
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists twitter.covid_19 (userId string, userName string, tweetId string, tweet string, reply string, userLocation string,
tweetDate string, source_app string, followers_count string, following_count string,account_creationdt string, favourites_count string, verified string,)
stored as parquet LOCATION 'hdfs://' 

c) 2nd table
 CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE if not exists twitter.vaccine (userId string, userName string, tweetId string, tweet string, reply string, userLocation string,
tweetDate string, source_app string, followers_count string, following_count string,account_creationdt string, favourites_count string, verified string,)
stored as parquet LOCATION 'hdfs://'

5. HIVE to Power-BI connection
    a) Download: ClouderaHiveODBC64.msi
    b) Open the ODBC 64bit from the start menu.
    c) On User DSN tab, choose Add, a pop-up menu will appear choose: Cloudera ODBC Drive for Apache Hive
    d) Configure your DSN (whatever source name you want), Hosts (put localhost), and from Authentication choose user name & password and type root and its password for HDP 2.6.5

    a) RUN: python
    b) You can add it in crontab -e with whatever time you want to make it scheduled on.


The project aims at building a data platform for real time moderation and analytics of twitter data. The implementation will utilize different big data technologies as Spark, Kafka and Hive, in addition to visualization tool (Power BI) for data discovery and delivering insights.







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