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Maicon Pinto edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

Home Tips

The first step is to add title attribute on your header of Page Home.


title: Documentation

The next step we can change the branding title. There are two ways how to do this.

On your _config.yml you have two attribute: branding or branding_title.


The attribute branding will be use when you want to customize code fully of your branding section.

For example:

branding: >-
    <h1 class="logo">
        <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon_documents_alt icon"></span>
        <span class="text-highlight">Pretty</span><span class="text-bold">Docs</span>


The attribute branding_title will be use when you want to customize only title of branding section.

For example:

branding_title: >-
    <span aria-hidden="true" class="icon_documents_alt icon"></span>
    <span class="text-highlight">Pretty</span><span class="text-bold">Docs</span>

OR, only a simple title:

branding_title: My Personal Project

Below, you find all attributes that you can to change to customize your page Home.

Attributes on _config.yml



Below, what function to each attribute.


Tagline is message on below that branding section. Normally, you can use this space to use like a subtitle of the project, ou define what is the project with a little more details.


Following the same case of branding and branding_title, tagline_subtitle is a alternative way to define a subtitle, in this case the suggest is a simple subtitle, not a long text description.


The attribute socials is important because, is it define if has or not the social section. By default, if you don't define this attribute, it will show the content of PrettyDocs template.

You can disable it, set to false the value. But if you to define to true the value, you can to define more details, like github_repository, twitter_share and facebook_share.


This attribute will help you to disable share on github when you set false value. By default it is enable.


This attribute is used to show Star button of github. You just define repository name, like jekyll-theme-prettydocs. This will linked with the github_username, that already exists by default.


This attribute already exists by default. You just will need to change it.


This attribute will help you to disable share on twitter when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The twitter_share is a message that will be share on twitter. When you click twitter button, will open a box with a message, it is this content that will opened on share box.


This attribute already exists by default. You just will need to change it.


This attribute will help you to disable share on facebok when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The facebook_like is a url that you use in like button of facebook.


The cards_title is the title on cards section. The default text is 'Getting started is easy!'.


This attribute already exists by default. You just will need to change it.


This attribute will help you to disable download button when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The download_url is link to download your project. Normally, you point to repository.


This attribute will help you to disable card start when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'Quick start' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/start' is the default value. But you can change it.


This attribute will help you to disable card components when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'Components' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/components' is the default value. But you can change it.


This attribute will help you to disable card charts when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'Charts' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/charts' is the default value. But you can change it.


This attribute will help you to disable card faqs when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'FAQs' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/faqs' is the default value. But you can change it.


This attribute will help you to disable card showcase when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'Showcase' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/showcase' is the default value. But you can change it.


This attribute will help you to disable card license when you set false value. By default it is enable.


The 'License' is the default value. But you can change it.


Normally, you have a 'Lorem ipsum' text by default. But you can change it.


The '/license' is the default value. But you can change it.

I want full control about code generated

However, if you want more control about code, and to you do not need change so many attributes on _config.yml, you will need to create _includes/home.html file and put your code there. This way you have full control about code generated, but in this case, you need more HTML skills.