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Migration from hardware mailserver

Sara Aimée Smiseth edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 5 revisions

You need to edit docker-compose.yml and .env.


You have to change your docker-compose.yml and replace hardware with mailserver2.

For example change:

image: hardware/mailserver:${MAILSERVER_DOCKER_TAG}


image: mailserver2/mailserver:${MAILSERVER_DOCKER_TAG}


There is only a latest tag for now. Change MAILSERVER_DOCKER_TAG to latest

After you migrate you can't go back

The dkim PR was merged.

With this PR the location of the DKIM keys has changed (with automatic migration). They are in the same folder but are now named selector.private.key and selector.public.key. So its not a breaking change, but if someone is automatically using the keys somewhere else, this might need adjustment to the new key names.

So if you would to go back to hardware/mailserver it would not find your keys and it would create new ones.