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majorsilence edited this page Aug 31, 2012 · 7 revisions

The report server lets you view online any of the reports that were created with the designer. Any reports that are public are viewable by all users on the site. Any reports that are secured will only be viewable by users with permissions to view the reports.

Default reporting server web page

Report Formats

Supported output formats are HTML, PDF, CSV, and XML.

The server can serve any report that is marked as anonymous without needing to be logged in. Any report that is secured will require that the user be logged in to view the report

You can call the reports directly if you know the names, format, and parameters or you can view a list of reports on the reports page.


Example of calling a report and retrieving CSV.



Example of calling a report and retrieving PDF.



Example of calling a report and retrieving XML.



Example of calling a report and retrieving XML.
