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A plugin for Kerbal Space Program 1.0.X

Copyright 2015 Malah

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

What is it?

QuickScroll is a small plugin which adds the possibility to scroll the parts pages, the categories and the filters on the editor with the mouse wheel and with keyboard shortcuts.

Shortcut: - When the mouse is on the part list: * Left CTRL + mouse wheel = scroll categories, * Left Shift + mouse wheel = scroll filters. - When the mouse is on the categories: * Left Shift or Left CTRL + mouse wheel = scroll filters. - Switch the default categories with Enter + KeyPad 1, KeyPad 2, KeyPad 3 ... - Previous/next category Enter + up/down. - Previous/next filter Enter + page up/page down.

I suggest you to look at the awesome mod PartCatalog which also has this feature (with many others nice features).

How to install it?

Unzip all files. Put the QuickScroll folder in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to update it?

Unzip all files. Merge the new QuickScroll folder with the old folder which is in your KSP/GameData folder.

How to uninstall it?

Delete the QuickScroll folder in your KSP/GameData folder.


v2.0.0-pre1 - 2016.04.01

  • New: Added a page scrolling,
  • New: Deleted support of the keyboard shortcut for parts page scrolling,
  • New: Deleted all optional versions of QuickScroll,
  • New: Deleted PartListTooltipsTWEAK (the auto hide of the tooltips),
  • New: Deleted the autofocus on the good category with huge filters (it will use the stock scrolling),
  • Compiled against KSP

v1.32 - 2015.10.14

  • New: Added an option to disable the hovering on the Stock Toolbar,
  • Fix: Corrected the position of the scroll of the partlist,
  • Fix: Locked the parts scrolling when the PartToolTips is pinned (we now can scroll the part info).

v1.31 - 2015.06.26

  • Fix: Deleted the debug warning.

v1.30 - 2015.06.25

  • New: Added an option to block the scrolling at the beginning and at the end of a category (enabled by default),
  • New: Added scroll to enable simple/advanced mode,
  • New: Added a button to return to the default key assignment,
  • Fix: Corrected the key assignment to accept special's key,
  • Fix: Corrected the stock scrolling when there are many categories/filters (thanks to Alewx to remind me of this old bug which I had forgot to correct),
  • Fix: Corrected the part page scroll which always block at the beggining / end of the pages,
  • Fix: Changed the default key for Modifier Keyboard to Keypad Enter,
  • Fix: Enhanced the Stock Toolbar,
  • Fix: Some other minor fixes,
  • Optional: Added an optional version of QuickScroll with only the mouse scrolling,
  • Optional: Added an optional version of QuickScroll with only the keyboard shortcuts,
  • Updated to KSP 1.0.X

v1.22 - 2015.05.03

  • Fix: Corrected the Stock Toolbar which can show two buttons,
  • Updated ToolbarWrapper to 1.7.9
  • Updated to KSP 1.0.2

v1.21 - 2015.04.28

  • Fix: Converted textures to DDS,
  • Fix: Corrected the Stock Toolbar icon not being created,
  • Fix: Corrected the loading of the config file (thanks Tarheel1999),
  • Fix: Some minor bug,
  • Optional: Added an optional version of QuickScroll without GUI and Stock/Blizzy Toolbar support,
  • Updated to KSP 1.0.0

v1.20 - 2015.03.06

  • New: Added a GUI to config the shortcuts,
  • New: Added the support of the Stocktoolbar and the Toolbar mod,
  • Fix: Corrected the PartListTooltips tweak.

v1.10 - 2015.01.22

  • New: Added enable/disable the mouse wheel scrolling,
  • New: Added enable/disable the shortcuts mouse wheel scrolling,
  • New: Added keyboard shortcuts,
  • New: Added a tweak for the PartListTooltips, with it, the tooltips can't popup until you right click on a part (this feature is disabled by default),
  • Fix: Move the config file to GameData/QuickScroll/Config.txt

v1.01 - 2015.01.02

  • Fix: Hide the part tool tip on scroll.

v1.00 - 2014.12.25

  • New: Added a scroll on the categories buttons,
  • New: Added a scroll on the filters buttons,
  • New: Added a config file for the Key modifier.

v0.10 - 2014.12.21

  • Initial release


If you use the search part function with an empty text, when you unfocus the search field, the scrollbar will be locked.


  • to BlackNecro for his awesome PartCatalog mod,
  • to blizzy for his Toolbar mod,
  • to Matthieu James for the Faenza icon theme,
  • to all mods developers which make this game really huge,
  • to my friend Neimad who corrects my bad english ...
  • to Squad for this awesome game.
