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Operation Emobucket

Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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There was once a failraid that took place on 9/11. Though this raid was a superfail it led to the creation of the retaliatory action "Operation Emobucket". Enraged by the catostraphe that was the 9/11 raid, Anon chose the simplest and weakest of the targets proposed for the Emo Holocaust, Emobucket. Emobucket was not only the weakest of the proposed targets, it also deigned to think that Anon would take their foolish warnings seriously.

The plan was never even to attack on 9/11, the whole point was to get emos to shit themselves over a raid that wasn't even going to happen in the first place. I thought it was quite the success--lots of threads about the raid, people shitting themselves out of fear, account closures, forum lockdowns, people seeing gore and BAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWing, etc.
Correction: The plan was to make emofags BAAAAAAWWWWWW over an imaginary raid. However, it led to the spawning of an actual raid by idiots who thought that it was for realz. So, into the bowels they ventured, thinking that this was simply another emo faggot site that needed destroying. However, it was soon discovered that this site was begging for anal rape, right HERE.
These faggots seem to think that calling out their attackers will stop them. They also seem to think that by "warning" them, that they will somehow strike the righteous fear of the emo modfag into them. This "warning" is in fact a declaration of war upon Anonymous which cannot be left unanswered. These faggots need to be disciplined appropriately.

Main Faggots

A list of "famous people" caught in a thread 10/25/2008, unknown if they are all users in the forum, but seem to be popular considering their amount of hits on Google.

May serve as targets; some of them have websites, dig up dox if you can:

  • Jeffree Star
  • Hanna Beth
  • Kiki Kannibal
  • Brookelle Bones
  • Bellz
  • Hollywood XTC
  • Sar Benett
  • Audrey Kitching
  • John Hock
  • Dani Gore
  • Jac Vanek
  • Brittany Kramer
  • Lindyfu
  • Zui Suicide
  • Hilary Haywire
  • Georgia Gore
  • Dakota Rose
  • Matt Lush
  • Melissa Marie
  • AllisonWonderland
  • Mollyanne Andrea

Plan for Dummies

Step 1

The intention is to once again cause chaos on the emobucket forums. For now, simply sign up new accounts and make some posts. However, I advise that you stick strictly to PsyOps, don't dick around too much or they may catch on to us. After all, this won't be the first time they've had to deal with us. Lurk around, dig up some dox if you can, there will be updates when we are ready to implement Step 2. We need to Phish accounts eventually. it doesn't look like they have any warning messages at the log on section of the site. Phish accounts and compile a list of usernames. save them til the day of the raid and change their CSS profile code to display gore or perhaps some Hueg.jpg. Don't fuck up.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4



Tech Targets


Exploits? Spam? Figure out what to do.
maybe massive clicking on google ads, that should quickly finish their adsense?




Emofag have a thread displaying social networking details for admin & mod, inclusive of msn accounts & myspace.


Now they're just asking for it the heck use anon.

IRL Targets



The Lulz

Category:Emo Holocaust

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