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Operation Reasonable Reaction

Tenshi Hinanawi edited this page May 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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Background Information

We all know the Libyan uprisings, surely. The protesters are being huge faggots and America, The UK and France are adding to the faggotry by proposing this 'no-fly-zone'. We need to do all we can to help Gaddafi, he's a cool d00d really.


There are a couple of fronts for this operation...


Okay, we all know how to do this. Set TCP/UDP to "Gaddafi forever" or "Gaddafi au achbar" (Arabic for 'Gaddafi is great') and hit the following sites:

Opposition Sites

Opposition-Aligned Sites

Let's try to keep these offline 24/7 if at all possible, the top four are the most important ones; only attack the bottom two if the top four are all offline.

Other Targets

Opposition websites are all fine and nice but the targeting of actual internet exchanges should be our main focus. The British have supplied the rebels with what David Cameron calls 'telecom equipment'. Our primary target should be Tobruk, mainly shutting down their oil production. I have no idea how to do this but anyone who can post how to will be the saviour of this operation.

Google Bombing

"Gaddafi is a good leader" "The Libyan opposition are unreasonable"


A simple element of this raid is to get people you know to agree with us. If Gaddafi, Libya or something similar comes up in conversation; assert that Gaddafi is a good guy and that the protesters are in the wrong.

Protesting and shit

Basically, do anything you can that might hinder the implication of the no-fly zone. All this will likely be is spamming letters/emails to David Cameron (UK Prime Minister), Nicholas Sarkozy (French Prime Minister), Barack Obama (American President) or the united nations, telling them why not to do the no-fly zone. Don't say that you support Gaddafi and that's why you oppose it, say things like you don't want another Iraq, you don't want your country's serivcemen being killed over seas in a war that doesn't involve them, or simply that the country's money could be better allocated. If posable, organize an anti no-fly zone protest in London, Washington, Paris, New York or other major city. The protest may or may not be done as Anon, however it's probably better not to. Remember; anyone who opposes the no-fly zone for ANY reason is a potential ally here. When it comes to protests, the more the merrier. In the event that a protest is started and then dispersed, this will help our cause, as dispersing protests is exactly what the West suddenly hates Gaddafi for.

Sign this petition here -->


Shit just got real son!

Okay: red alert guys! No-fly zone is active! We need to step this shit up a notch! Fire your lazors NOW! Full power! All propaganda is secondary, focus on attack and just attack!

So far...

As of yet, all we've managed to do is take down the four opposition sites for a couple hours each.


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