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Testing With javascript

Pre Requisite

1. Node installed

Setting up project

  1. Creating project directory
  2. run command npm init will generate package.json file with specified configuration
  3. Installing mocha npm install mocha
  4. npm install chai
  5. To run mocha via npm need change test script in package.json to "test": "mocha --recursive"

Framework / Libraries used:

  • Mocha – the core framework: it provides common testing functions including describe and it and the main function that runs tests.
  • Chai – the library with many assertions. It allows to use a lot of different assertions, for now we need only assert.equal.
  • Sinon – a library to spy over functions, emulate built-in functions and more, we’ll need it much later.


  • Mocha : Test spec has three main building blocks

    1. describe("title", function() { ... }) it works like a suit or tests container. using [Mocha] for it
    2. it("use case description", function() { ... }) perticular use case or A test.
    3. assert to check if works as expected. using [Chai] for it
    4. In Async js testing -> this context in not accessible in arrow functions in ES6 hence mocha suggest we should not use arrow function.
  • Running tests

    1. run command mocha will find automatically all tests under test directory but not nested
    2. run mocha --recursive to run nested directories
    3. mocha "test/dirName/*.spec.js" to specify custom path

nvm - node version manager to work with multiple version of node