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shlainn edited this page Sep 13, 2011 · 2 revisions


ZMP Files - presumably for Zone Map - link map data to location info from AreaTable.dbc. There are 3 of those files in 1.12.2:

  • Interface\WorldMap\Azeroth.zmp
  • Interface\WorldMap\Expansion01.zmp (in patch.MPQ, no data present)
  • Interface\WorldMap\Kalimdor.zmp


The files are headerless. They contain 128 x 128 uint32 values (double resolution compared to WDT) which are area IDs from AreaTable.dbc


I think it is possible that this file is used by the client to display the name of the current area while moving in the World. -- shlainn

WowDev Wiki says:

They are used on parsing WorldMapArea.dbc. The values get copied and then get overwritten with the WorldMapArea-id the areaid they referenced is in. It will hold a zero or the WMA-id depending on if the area and the map that's currently parsed match. This also takes the virtual map id into account.

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