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Metrics #25901

Workflow file for this run

name: Metrics
# Schedule updates (each hour)
schedule: [{cron: "0 * * * *"}]
# Lines below let you run workflow manually and on each commit (optional)
push: {branches: ["master", "main"]}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# See action.yml for all options
- uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
# Your GitHub token
token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
template: classic
plugin_achievements: yes
plugin_achievements_threshold: C # Display achievements with rank B or higher
plugin_achievements_secrets: yes # Display unlocked secrets achievements
plugin_achievements_ignored: octonaut # Hide octonaut achievement
plugin_achievements_limit: 0 # Display all unlocked achievement matching threshold and secrets params
plugin_followup: yes
plugin_lines: yes
plugin_isocalendar: yes
plugin_isocalendar_duration: full-year # Display full year instead of half year
plugin_languages: yes
plugin_languages_ignored: html, css # List of languages to ignore
plugin_languages_aliases: "JavaScript:JS, TypeScript:TS, ..." # Customize languages names with aliases
plugin_languages_details: bytes-size, percentage # Additionally display total bytes size and percentage
plugin_la nguages_threshold: 2% # Hides all languages less than 2%
plugin_languages_limit: 8 # Display up to 8 languages
plugin_languages_sections: most-used, recently-used # Display most used and recently used languages stats
plugin_languages_indepth: no # Get indepth stats (see documentation before enabling)
plugin_languages_recent_load: 500 # Load up to 500 events to compute recently used stats
plugin_languages_recent_days: 7 # Limit recently used stats to last week