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SimpliLearn tutorial

Docker Basics

Performing CRUD Operation on Containers

- - Steps to be followed:

  1. Pulling a Docker image
  2. Creating a new container
  3. Stopping the container
  4. Listing all the containers
  5. Deleting the container
  6. Removing the image

Creating a Docker Image

  • Steps to be followed:
  1. Creating the Dockerfile
  2. Executing the Dockerfile
  • Step 1: Creating the Dockerfile 1.1 Create a directory

mkdir demo cd demo

1.2 Create the Dockerfile

vi Dockerfile

1.3 Add the following code snippet to the Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y nginx
COPY index.nginx-debian.html /var/www/html
CMD nginx -g 'daemon off;'

## 1.4      Create another file in the same directory
vi index.nginx-debian.html
1.5        Add the following welcome message to the index file				

- Step 2:  Executing the file
    2.1          Execute the Dockerfile (note that there is space between build and “.”)
sudo docker build . 

2.2       Navigate to the root folder, and list the images to check the newly created Docker image
sudo docker images
# Docker Compose Setup

- - Steps to be followed:
1.	Setting up docker-compose
2.	Creating a docker-compose file

- Step 1: Setting up docker-compose
1.1    Install docker-compose using the command given below:
mkdir compose-test
cd compose-test
pip --version

1.2 Then type the command given below, to install docker-compose
sudo pip install docker-compose

- Step 2: Creating docker-compose file
2.1   Inside compose-test folder, create docker-compose.yml file, and add the following code in    it:
vi docker-compose.yml

2.2   Add the following code snippet in the file:
version: '2'
    image: centos
      - compose-db
    command: /usr/bin/curl compose-db:6379
    image: redis
      - "6379"

2.3   Run the following command to execute the yaml file:
sudo docker-compose up


# Docker Registry

- - Steps to be followed:
1.	Pulling a Linux container
2.	Pushing the image to the local repository
3.	Running the new image

- - Step 1: Pulling a Linux container
1.1    Pull a recent version of the Centos Linux container.
sudo docker pull registry:2
1.2    Run the registry in a new Docker container with port 5000 exposed
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
--restart=always --name registry registry:2

1.3   Pull another image from Docker Hub and store it in the local registry
sudo docker pull ubuntu
1.4    Tag the image for the local registry
sudo docker tag ubuntu localhost:5000/ubuntu

- Step 2: Pushing the image to the local registry
2.1   Use the following command to push the image to a local registry:
sudo docker push localhost:5000/ubuntu
2.2   Remove the image from the local cache
sudo docker rmi ubuntu
2.3   Confirm that it has been removed
sudo docker images

- Step 3: Running the new image
3.1   Pull the image from the local registry
sudo docker pull localhost:5000/ubuntu
3.2   Confirm it is in the local cache
sudo docker images
3.3   Run the new image
sudo docker run -it --rm localhost:5000/ubuntu /bin/bash
3.4   Exit the container
3.5   Clean up the images and containers
sudo docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
Note: In case you get a permission denied error as shown below, run the following
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
After running this, run the sudo docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) command.
sudo docker rmi $(docker images -q)

# Docker Networking with SSHs

- - Steps to be followed:
1.	Creating a container and committing it
2.	Creating a bridge network and finding its IP address
3.	Connecting the network from another SSH server

- Step 1: Creating a container, and commit it
1.1   Create a Centos Docker container. and install net-tools
sudo docker run -it --name centos centos /bin/bash
yum install -y net-tools

1.2   Check the IP address and hostname
cat /etc/hosts
1.3   Exit the container using CTRL+D
	1.3.1   Commit the container to an image (Please refer to the screenshot)
	docker commit centos centos-net
	docker images
	docker rm centos
- Step 2: Creating a bridge network, and find its IP address
2.1  Create a bridge network, and find its IP range
docker network create exnet
docker network ls
docker network inspect exnet

2.2  Run the centos container using the new network
docker run -it --rm --network exnet centos-net /bin/bash

2.3   Check the IP address and hostname
cat /etc/hosts

2.4   Exit the container using CTRL+D
	2.4.1 Start a new container using the default network
	docker run -it --rm --name centos centos-net /bin/bash
2.5   Check the IP address and hostname
cat /etc/hosts
- Step 3: Connecting the network from another SSH server
3.1  Click on + to open another Terminal window. Type the below given command to from the second SSH terminal to connect the network to the container
docker network connect exnet centos

3.2   Go back to the running container. You will see that it now has two IP addresses (Please refer to the screenshot)
cat /etc/hosts

3.3   Go to the second SSH window, and disconnect the network
docker network disconnect exnet centos
3.4   Go back to the running container, and see that it now has one IP address
cat /etc/hosts
3.5   Exit the container using CTRL+D


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