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Optimisation library to minimise objective functions constrained by PDE and equality constraints

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SphereManOpt: Gradient descent on a spherical manifold(s)


Optimisation code to solve the minimisation problem:

$\underset{\boldsymbol{X} \in \mathcal{S}}{\text{min}} \quad J(\boldsymbol{X}) \quad$ where $\quad \mathcal{S} = [ \boldsymbol{X} \quad | \quad \langle \boldsymbol{X}, \boldsymbol{X} \rangle = E ]$,

is the spherical manifold of radius $E$.

Calling the optimiser

Given a (python) list of (numpy) vectors $X_i$

$X = [X_0,X_1, ..., X_n]$

a corresponding list of constraint amplitudes (float) $E_i$

$E = [E_0, E_1, ...., E_n]$

the accompanying routines


which calculate the object-function $J(\boldsymbol{X})$, its Euclidean gradient $\nabla J(\boldsymbol{X})$ and the inner-product $\langle \boldsymbol{f}, \boldsymbol{g} \rangle$ respectively. Calling the routine

RESIDUAL, FUNCT, X_opt = Optimise_On_Multi_Sphere(X,E,f,Grad_f,Inner_Product,args_f,args_IP)

returns the optimal vector X_opt (list of numpy vectors) the residual errors RESIDUAL (list of floats) and the objective function evaluations FUNCT (list of floats) during the iterative optimisation procedure. The arguments args_f = (), args_IP=() are tuples (or dictionaries if kwargs_f = (), kwargs_IP=()) which supply the necessary arguments to f,Grad_f and Inner_Product respectively.

In addition to the above the remaining optional arguments, whose default values are

err_tol = 1e-06, max_iters = 200, alpha_k = 1., LS = 'LS_wolfe', CG = True, callback=None

specifiy the termination conditions err_tol,max_iters, the maximum/initial step-size alpha_k, the scipy line-search routine ('Armijo' or 'LS_wolfe'), the gradient descent routine 'CG=True' (use a conjuagte-gradient update) or 'CG=False' (use a steepest-descent update) and provide the utility of a callback (function/callable) which takes the current iteration $k$ as its sole argument and allows the user to save or perform calculations on the current iterate's information.

Verifying the gradient

A routine for checking the gradient

Adjoint_Gradient_Test(X,dX,f,Grad_f,Inner_Product,args_f,args_IP, epsilon = 1e-04)

is also provided, where $\langle \boldsymbol{X}, \boldsymbol{X} \rangle = \langle \boldsymbol{dX}, \boldsymbol{dX} \rangle =1$ such that epsilon controls the relative size of the peturbation $\boldsymbol{dX}$.

Example problems

Principle component analysis

Optimisation code to search the largest principle component of a symmetric matrix M. The parameter DIM controls the dimension of the random symmetric matrix generated. Executing this script with


finds the principle component, using steepest-descent (SD) and conjugate-gradient (CG) methods, plots the residual error of each and compares X_opt with the solution found using numpy's built-in eigen-vector solver.

The following examples require an Anaconda environment with the parallelised spectral code Dedalus installed. Having installed Dedalus and activated the relevant conda environment both examples can be ran by executing the following commands. In both examples the option

Adjoint_type = "Discrete" or "Continuous"

allows one to select the gradient approximation used, while uncommenting and running the function Adjoint_Gradient_Test allows one to test the quality of the gradient approximation used.

Periodic Domains Fourier

Swift-Hohenberg equation

Optimisation code to search the minimal perturbation triggering transition to a localised state of the Swift-Hohenberg equation on a 1D periodic domain following (D. Lecoanet & R.R. Kerswell, Phys. Rev. E., 2018). The default arguments contained in are

T=50, Npts = 256, dt = 0.1, M_0 = 0.0725

corresponding to the optimisation time window, the number of Fourier modes, the time-step and applied perturbation amplitude. Executing this script with

mpiexec -np 1 python3 && python3

optimises the perturbation using 1 core and plots the resulting solution.

Kinematic dynamo

Optimisation code to search the "best" kinematic dynamo in a triply periodic box following (A.P. Willis, PRL, 2012). The default arguments contained in are

Rm=1, T=1, Npts = 24, dt = 0.001, Noise = True

corresponding to the magentic Reynolds number, optimisation time window, the number of Fourier modes, the time-step and wether to initialise the velocity field with noise (True) or the analytical solution (False) given in (A.P. Willis, PRL, 2012). Executing this script with

mpiexec -np 4 python3 && python3

optimises both the velocity and magnetic fields using 4 cores and plots the resulting solution.

Bounded Domains Chebyshev

Swift-Hohenberg equation

Repeats the Swift-Hohenberg equation on a bounded domain by considering the Swift-Hohenberg equation discretised using a Chebyshev basis with bounary conditions not admitting a periodic solution. The default arguments contained in are

T=20, Npts = 256, dt = 0.01, M_0 = 0.0019

corresponding to the optimisation time window, the number of Chebyshev polynomials, the time-step and applied perturbation amplitude. Executing this script with

mpiexec -np 1 python3 && python3

optimises the perturbation using 1 core and plots the resulting solution.

Optimal mixing

Optimisation code to search the optimal velocity perturbation in a 2D rectangular box following (F. Marcotte & C.P. Caulfield, JFM, 2018). The default arguments contained in are

Re=500,Pr=1,Ri=0.05, T=5,E_0=0.02, Nx,Nz = 256,128, dt=1e-03

corresponding to the Reynolds,Prandtl and Richardson numbers, the optimisation time window and initial amplitude, the number of Fourier modes,Chebyshev polynomials and finally the time-step (here increased to allow quicker execution on one's work station). Executing this script with

mpiexec -np 4 python3 && python3

optimises both the velocity and magnetic fields using 4 cores and plots the resulting solution.


Please cite the following paper in any publication where you find the present codes useful:

Paul M. Mannix, Calum S. Skene, Didier Auroux & Florence Marcotte, A robust, discrete-gradient descent procedure for optimisation with time-dependent PDE and norm constraints, The SMAI Journal of computational mathematics, 2024.

   author = {Paul M. Mannix and Calum S. Skene and Didier Auroux and Florence Marcotte},
   title = {A robust, discrete-gradient descent procedure for optimisation with time-dependent {PDE} and norm constraints},
   journal = {The SMAI Journal of computational mathematics},
   pages = {1--28},
   publisher = {Soci\'et\'e de Math\'ematiques Appliqu\'ees et Industrielles},
   volume = {10},
   year = {2024}


P. M. M. and F. M. acknowledge support from the French program “T-ERC” from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under grant agreement ANR-19-ERC7-0008). C. S. S. acknowledges partial support from a grant from the Simons Foundation (Grant No. 662962, GF). He would also like to acknowledge support of funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. D5S-DLV-786780). This work was also supported by the French government, through the UCAJEDI Investments in the Future project managed by the ANR under grant agreement ANR-15-IDEX-0001. This work was also supported by the French government, through the UCAJEDI Investments in the Future project managed by the ANR under grant agreement ANR-15-IDEX-0001. The authors are grateful to the OPAL infrastructure from Universit'e C^ote d’Azur, Universit'e C^ote d’Azur’s Center for High-Performance Computing computer facilities for providing resources and support.


Optimisation library to minimise objective functions constrained by PDE and equality constraints






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