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Gauge Support plugin for MantisBT

Copyright (c) 2010 Charly Kiendl
Copyright (c) 2017 Cas Nuy
Copyright (c) 2019 Damien Regad

Released under the GPL v3 license.

See the Changelog.


Allows users to vote on issues.


  • MantisBT 2.0.0
  • MantisGraph plugin 2.25.0 (optional, to display charts)


  1. Download the plugin's latest release from GitHub
  2. Create a new directory GaugeSupport (case-sensitive) under MantisBT's /plugins directory
  3. Extract all files into the new directory
  4. Go to Manage / Manage Plugins and install the plugin
  5. If you want to display voting statistics charts, make sure that the MantisGraph core plugin is installed
  6. Configure the plugin as appropriate


You can specify which issues the users will be able to vote on, based on the following criteria:

  • Status: by default, resolved and closed are excluded
  • Resolution: by default, all resolutions except open, reopened and suspended are excluded
  • Severity: includes feature, minor, major, crash and block by default

Config page screenshot



On the View Issue Details page, a new Gauge Support section is added,
allowing users to :

  • see who voted for (or against) the issue,
  • review voting statistics, including a pie chart (if the MantisGraph plugin is installed), and
  • cast their vote (with 2 levels of support or rejection, +2/+1/-1/-2) or withdraw it.

Voting form screenshot


A new Issue Support Ranking menu item is available in the sidebar.

'Issue Support Ranking' menu item

It opens a report page, displaying a table listing all issues having received at least one Rating, sorted in descending order of the Absolute Community Support (i.e. the sum of all Ratings for the issue). This means that the most popular issues will be at the top.

The Rankings data can be exported to Excel using the button in the header.

Rankings page screenshot


File bug reports and submit questions on the GitHub issues tracker.


This plugin is based on the original version written by Charly Kiendl (EvilRenegade) back in 2010.

It was updated to work on MantisBT 2.x by Cas Nuy in 2017.

Damien Regad gave it a complete overhaul in 2019.