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Run the Same Test in Cypress and Jest

Using this setup makes it possible to run the same test code in Cypress and Jest.

Getting Started

  • Run yarn to install all dependencies.
  • Run npm run dev to start the Vite dev server. Make sure you can navigate to http://localhost:3000/articles/create.
  • Run npx cypress run to run all (currently only one) tests with Cypress in headless mode.
  • Run npx cypress open to open the Cypress UI.
  • Run npx jest to run all tests with Jest.

Currently there is only one test: src/modules/article/__specs__/create.spec.ts.

During development, you can use the mocking system based on Mock Service Worker. In src/main.ts you can activate the following code to use mocks for development.

   mocks.forEach(mock => queueMock(mock));

   // During development, load preconditions for the use case you are working on.
-  // await Promise.all([
-  //   (await import(`./modules/article/__specs__/preconditions`))
-  //     .userCanCreateNewArticle({ queueMock }),
-  // ]);
+  await Promise.all([
+    (await import(`./modules/article/__specs__/preconditions`))
+      .userCanCreateNewArticle({ queueMock }),
+  ]);

   window.appReady = true;

The Basic Concept

Test code is decoupled from the test framework via a DSL (Domain Specific Language) and drivers. Currently there is a driver for Jest and als one for Cypress. But more drivers could be added or existing ones replaced. As long as the new driver implements the same methods as the existing ones, all the tests will run without any modifications.

Preconditions are used as an abstraction layer for API mocking. The idea is that you have specific preconditions for certain scenarios and you can also use them during development. E.g., when working on the feature for enabling users to add new articles, you can load the userCanCreateNewArticle precondition which configures the API mocking layer so that the API responds with a success status when submitting the article form.



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