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Getting Familiar with the Android App

Rahul Pandey edited this page Jun 8, 2013 · 3 revisions

The Android app is designed to run on at least API version 8, which is version 2.2 (Froyo) or higher. As of June 2013, this covers more than 98% of Android phones. We are using ActionBarSherlock to maintain compatibility with API 8 or higher while still using the Action Bar.

The three main pieces of Android architecture are described below.

Facebook Authentication

We're using the Facebook SDK, which is included as a jar file. After calling the appropriate function in the Facebook SDK, we get back a access_token. This is used in web server communication to identify a user along with an authentication token, and it is also used for retrieving Facebook profile information.

Web server communication

The backend is written in Ruby. The architecture for sending photos to the web app is as follows: the backend defines endpoints which we hit in the Java code. Either we are sending information to the server (such as when we post a photo) or we are receiving information (such as when we do a get request to get possible company tags).


After taking a photo on your phone, we want to provide a powerful yet simple interface for annotating the photo with a brand. The current functionality to do this includes cropping or rotating an image, or adding a logo, text, and filters. You also must associate your ad with a company in the database. The company you associate with allows the app to give you selection for that company's logos and campaigns.

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