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elihart edited this page Mar 21, 2013 · 2 revisions


This page displays available logos and allows the user to pick one to use in their ad.


  1. Logos are retrieved from our server and are based on what company the ad has been tagged with.
  2. They are displayed in a grid view.
  3. When a logo is clicked it is highlighted with a border to indicate that the user has selected it.
  4. The user can continue to change their selection until they either hit save or cancel.


  1. Logos are currently retrieved from the web when the user tags the company. This saves local disk space, but it means that they need a few seconds to load. This loading is done asynchronously in the background and the list of logos is populated at the loading completes. Thus, ff you try to view available logos right away you might not see them all, and would have to manually refresh to see any freshly loaded ones.
  2. If there is a large number of logos it might push the save and cancel buttons off screen and make them inaccessible. This is theorized but not tested.

Planned Features

  1. Have placeholder images that indicate the logo hasn't loaded yet. Update the placeholder automatically when the logo loads (This can be done with the Image Loader library we are using)
  2. Allow enlarging the logo to get a better look.
  3. Possibly change this to be done in a dialog
  4. Allow the user to import their own images to use as logos
  5. Logo creation activity?
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