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Mapnik 0.6.1

Closed Oct 11, 2011 100% complete

== Bugfix and Usability Release ==

(For all the details see the [ CHANGELOG])

  • Major push on python pickling support (#345)
  • Smoother Scons builds through improved Auto-Detection of Boost install
  • Adding a testing framework that uses nose:
    sudo easy_install nose
    python tests/
  • Optional Serialization…

== Bugfix and Usability Release ==

(For all the details see the [ CHANGELOG])

  • Major push on python pickling support (#345)
  • Smoother Scons builds through improved Auto-Detection of Boost install
  • Adding a testing framework that uses nose:
    sudo easy_install nose
    python tests/
  • Optional Serialization of default values in xml
  • Lots of PPC/endian fixes (still some needed for color support in milestone:0.6.2)
  • Fixes to the OGR/GDAL/SQLite and Raster plugins
  • libxml2 is the new xml parser in Windows binaries and requires escaping otherwise illegal characters with entities like > and < for > and <
  • All relative paths in the xml file used for datasources and symbols are now interpreted as relative to the XML file (r1124). Use
}}} to maintain previous behavior which was to interpret paths relative to the location of the script calling load_map().

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.