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A data point is considered a peak in a time series when the moving z-score is beyond a given threshold.

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This Task was provided by Labforward, bootstrapped with Create React App.

User Story

As a researcher, I would like to identify sudden peaks in my continuous time series data, so that I can focus on important changes.

Based on User Story:

We need to have a React compounent contains the following subComonents:

  • Z-Score (ZValue Component): which define the data values that will represent signals peak.
  • Data Values (IndicatorData): Which have to functionality: a) allow researcher to edit data value. b) reserach can add new values if needed.
  • Data Chart (Actual Data): it chart represent the actual data values.
  • Peak Chart (Areas of interest): which represent the peaks in the actual data.

Definition of Done

  • Unit tests passed: Task contains 7 testing unit to make sure that the usery story working as needed.
  • Component tests.
  • Code reviewed.
  • Functional tests.
  • UI Animation test.
  • production reviewed.

Deployment: Ubuntu

Install Docker to Ubuntu

Please follow this Link to Install Docker in Ubuntu:

Once you installed Docker to the ubuntu you can start copy the source code to machine as the following

Copy Surce Code

before you clone the package make sure that you installed git in ubuntu.

  • Using github:

git clone
  • Copy the code over storage like USB. (not recommended)


After the souce code Avaliable on the server you can ru the following command:

  • Build Docker image to the ubuntu Machine
$ docker build -t labforward .
  • Run Docker image for production, specify port 80 as a default
$ docker run -it -p 80:80 labforward

Else for test you can specify port 3030 as the following:

$ docker run -it -p 3030:80 labforward

Wait untill finished.

  • Now you can open browser and goto url:



For e2e Testing you can install

How to use cypress it


No ambiguity, since its open-ended.

"1 of 10", Since "1": page index. "10": Pages Count.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

npm test

npm run build

npm run eject


A data point is considered a peak in a time series when the moving z-score is beyond a given threshold.







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