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Basic logging mechanism for Node 6.10+ Lambda Functions


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Basic logging mechanism for Node 6.10+ Lambda Functions which properly formats various logs into JSON format for easier reading through Cloudwatch Logs. The module includes functionality to include custom metadata and tags for each log, allowing increased filtering capabilities within Cloudwatch.

Why another lambda logger?
There are others out there, but seemed to be convoluted, included more functionality than needed, not maintained, or not configurable enough. I created lambda-log to include the important functionality from other loggers, but still keeping it simple and dependency-free.


  • Global metadata and tags that are included with every log.
  • Pluggable by wrapping/extending the LambdaLog class.
  • Emits event on log to allow third-party integration.
  • Error and Error-like objects logged include stacktraces in the metadata automatically.
  • Pretty-printing of JSON object in dev mode.
  • Well-documented and commented source.
  • Small footprint and dependency-free!

Getting Started


Node v6.10+ is required. You need to ensure that your Lambda function is running with the correct Node version.


Install via NPM:

$ npm install lambda-log --save


Here is a basic usage example, read the API documentation below to learn more.

const log = require('lambda-log');

exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
    // set some optional metadata to be included in all logs (this is an overkill example)
    log.config.meta.event = event;
    // add additional tags to all logs
    // Log info message'my lambda function is running!');
    //=> { _logLevel: 'info' msg: 'my lambda function is running!', event:..., _tags: ['log', 'info', ...] }
    if(somethingHappenedButNotFatal) {
        log.warn('something is missing, but it is OK');
        //=> { _logLevel: 'warn', msg: 'something is missing, but it is OK', event:..., _tags: ['log', 'warn', ...] }
    // Debug messages are not generated or displayed unless enabled in the config
    log.debug('some debug message');
    //=> false
    // Enable debug messages
    log.config.debug = true;
    log.debug('some debug message again');
    //=> { _logLevel: 'debug', msg: 'some debug message again', event:..., _tags: ['log', 'debug', ...] }
    someAsyncTask(function(err, results) {
        if(err) {
            //=> { _logLevel: 'error', msg: 'Error from someAsyncTask', stack: ..., event: ..., _tags: ['log', 'error', ...]}
        } else {
  'someAsyncTask completed successfully!', { results });
            //=> { _logLevel: 'info', msg: 'someAsyncTask completed successfully!', results:..., event: ..., _tags: ['log', 'info', ...]}
    // New in version 1.4.0 - assert
    someAsyncTask(function(err, results) {
        if(err) {
            //=> { _logLevel: 'error', msg: 'Error from someAsyncTask', stack: ..., event: ..., _tags: ['log', 'error', ...]}
        } else {
            // Will only log if no results are returned
            log.assert(results, 'No results returned from someAsyncTask');

API Documentation


Instance of the LambdaLog class which is exported when calling require('lambda-log').


Configuration object for LambdaLog. These options can be changed at any time.

  • meta (object) - Global metadata to be included in all logs. (Default: {})
  • tags (Array) - Global tags to be included in all logs. (Default: [])
  • debug (Boolean) - Enables lambdalog.debug(). (Default: false)
  • dev (Boolean) - Enable development mode which pretty-prints JSON to the console. (Default: false)
  • silent (Boolean) - Disables logging to console but messages and events are still generated. (Default: false)

lambdalog.log(level, msg[, meta={}])

Generates JSON log message based on the provided parameters and the global configuration. Once the JSON message is created, it is properly logged to the console and emitted through an event. If and Error or Error-like object is provided for msg, it will parse out the message and include the stacktrace in the metadata.

Argument Type Required? Description
level String Yes Log level to create log for. Must be either info, debug, warn or error.
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');

log.log('info', 'This is a test info message');
log.log('info', 'This is a test info message', { someKey: 'with some optional metadata!' });
Throws: - Error

If improper log level is provided.

Returns: logResponse

The generated log message or false if level="debug" and config.debug=false.[, meta={}])

Shorthand method for calling lambdalog.log('info').

Argument Type Required? Description
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');'This is a test info message');'This is a test info message', { someKey: 'with some optional metadata!' });
Returns: logResponse

The generated log message.

lambdalog.warn(msg[, meta={}])

Shorthand method for calling lambdalog.log('warn').

Argument Type Required? Description
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');

log.warn('This is a test warn message');
log.warn('This is a test warn message', { someKey: 'with some optional metadata!' });
Returns: logResponse

The generated log message.

lambdalog.error(msg[, meta={}])

Shorthand method for calling lambdalog.log('error').

Argument Type Required? Description
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');

log.error('This is a test error message');
log.error('This is a test error message', { someKey: 'with some optional metadata!' });

let err = new Error('Some error happened!');
Returns: logResponse

The generated log message.

lambdalog.debug(msg[, meta={}])

(Since v1.1.0) Shorthand method for calling lambdalog.log('debug'). By default, debug messages are not generated, displayed or emitted. To enable this functionality, you must set config.debug to true.

Argument Type Required? Description
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');

// This log will return false and not display any message since config.debug is false by default
log.debug('This is a test debug message');
//=> false

// But if we enable config.debug, it will act the same as the other log methods:
log.config.debug = true;
log.debug('This is a test debug message');
//=> { msg: "This is a test debug message" ... }
Returns: logResponse

The generated log message or false if config.debug is not enabled.

lambdalog.assert(test, msg[, meta={}])

(Since v1.4.0) Generates a log message if test is a falsy value. If test is truthy, the log message is skipped and returns false. Allows creating log messages without the need to wrap them in an if statement.

Argument Type Required? Description
test Any Yes Value to test if is falsy.
msg Any Yes Message to log. Can be of any type, but string or Error is recommended.
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include into the log JSON.


const log = require('lambda-log');

let results = null;
// This log will be displayed since `results` is a falsy value.
log.assert(results, 'No results provided!');
//=> { msg: "No results provided!" ... }

// But if they are truthy, the log is ignored:
results = [1, 2, 3];
log.assert(results, 'No results provided!');
//=> false
Returns: logResponse

The generated log message or false if config.debug is not enabled.

lambdalog.LambdaLog([meta={}, tags=[]])

Provides access to uninstantiated LambdaLog class. If you want to customize the logger or build a wrapper around LambdaLog, you have access to the class via lambdalog.LambaLog.

Argument Type Required? Description
meta Object No Optional metadata object to include in every log.
tags Array No Optional tags array to include in every log.


const LambdaLog = require('lambda-log').LambdaLog;

class MyLogger extends LambdaLog {
    constructor() {
        super({ someKey: 'Global metadata' }, ['custom-tag']);
    // overwrite lambdalog.error() to do some custom things
    error(msg, meta={}) {
        // turn message into Error object (to generate stacktraces automatically)
        let err = new Error(msg);
        return this.log('error', err, meta);
Returns: this

Instance of LambdaLog.


Type: Object | Boolean

The data returned from any log method. If the using log.debug() and config.debug is disabled, the response will be false.

Default Properties:

  • _logLevel (String) - The log level (ex. error, warn, info, debug) Since 1.3.0
  • msg (String) - The message of the log
  • _tags (Array[String]) - Array of tags applied to the log

Conditional Properties:

  • * (Any) - Any metadata provided to the log as individual properties
  • stack (String) - Stack trace of an error if Error was provided

Event: log

The log event is emitted (using EventEmitter) for every log generated. This allows for custom integrations, such as logging to a thrid-party service. This event is emitted with the log data object generated by lambdalog.log() along with level and metadata. You may control events using all the methods of EventEmitter.

Event Attributes:

  • level (String) - The level of the log (error, warn, ...)
  • log (Object) - The generated log object that contains msg, _tags and any metadata
  • meta (Object) - Metadata for the log


const log = require('lambda-log');

// ES6 Destructuring
log.on('log', function({ level, log, meta }) {
    // ... do what you want with the log data, such as integrating with third-party service

log.on('log', function(data) {
    // ... do what you want with the log data, such as integrating with third-party service


Tests are written and provided as part of the module. It requires mocha to be installed which is included as a devDependency. You may run the tests by calling:

$ npm run test


Feel free to submit a pull request if you find any issues or want to integrate a new feature. Keep in mind, this module should be lightweight and advanced functionality should be published to NPM as a wrapper around this module. Ensure to write and run the tests before submitting a pull request. The code should work without any special flags in Node 6.10.


MIT License. See License in the repository.


Basic logging mechanism for Node 6.10+ Lambda Functions







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