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Build Pub GitHub GitHub stars charts library. Provides highly customizable and configurable charts.

Getting Started



  • REQUIRED data
    • data - set of data with DateTime keys and double values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • There are 2 general types of the LineChart:
    • Periodical grid type (only monthly available for now):

      Periodical means that if there's not enough data to draw full chart (there's gaps between dates) chart will automatically fulfill lacking data based on LineChartDataType.

      • For LineChartDataType.bidirectional data type lacking data will be set to 0.

      • For LineChartDataType.unidirectional data type lacking data will calculated from previous values so, that charts will be looking like ascending (e.g. Progress) or descending (e.g. Burndown) chart.

    • Undefined grid type:

      Undefined means that the chart will be drawned using only provided data.

      Note that LineChartDataType is omitted with this type of grid.

  • Max Value
    • predefinedMaxValue - predefined max value for the chart.
    • maxValueRoundingMap - rounding map for the maxValue that is used by beautification function of Y axis labels.
  • Limits
    • limit - if provided, will be painted on the chart as a horizontal indication line.
    • limitText - custom text to set to the label of the limit line.

    Note that if limitText is set without provided limit, there will be no limit line.

  • Tooltip builders
    • titleBuilder - builds title of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or double value from provided data.
    • subtitleBuilder - builds subtitle of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or double value from provided data.
  • Label builder
    • xAxisLabelBuilder - builds X axis label based on DateTime value from provided data.
    • yAxisLabelBuilder - builds Y axis label based on double value from provided data, maxValue specifically.


  • xAxisDivisions - quantity of the X axis divisions, defaults to 3.
  • yAxisDivisions - quantity of the Y axis divisions, defaults to 2.
  • xAxisLabelQuantity - quantity of the X axis labels to draw, defaults to null.
  • axisDivisionEdges - axis division edges, defaults to AxisDivisionEdges.none.
  • showAxisX - whether to show X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXSelectedLabelIfConcealed - whether to show selected label if it is concealed by xAxisLabelQuantity, defaults to false.
  • showAxisY - whether to show Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • lineFilling - whether to fill chart between the line and the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • lineShadow - whether to draw shadow beneath the line or not, defaults to true.
  • altitudeLine - whether to draw the altitude line or not, defaults to true.
  • limitLabelSnapPosition - snap position options of limit label, defaults to LimitLabelSnapPosition.axis.
  • showAxisXLabels - whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisYLabels - whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXLabelSelection - whether to paint with selected style currently selected X axis label or not, defaults to false.


  • gridStyle - styling options for the grid, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartGridStyle.
  • axisStyle - styling options for the axis, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartAxisStyle.
  • lineStyle - styling options for the chart line, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartLineStyle.
  • limitStyle - styling options for the limit, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartLimitStyle.
  • pointStyle - styling options for the point and tooltip above point, for more details please refer to the source code of the LineChartPointStyle.



  • REQUIRED data
    • data - set of data with DateTime keys and List<double> values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • Max Value
    • predefinedMaxValue - predefined max value for the chart.
    • maxValueRoundingMap - rounding map for the maxValue that is used by beautification function of Y axis labels.
  • Selection
    • initialSelectedPeriod - initial selected period of the bar chart, defaults to null.
    • onSelectedPeriodChanged - callback that notifies if selected period has changed, defaults to null.
  • Tooltip builders
    • titleBuilder - builds title of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or List<double> value from provided data.
    • subtitleBuilder - builds subtitle of the tooltip based on DateTime key and/or List<double> value from provided data.
  • Label builder
    • xAxisLabelBuilder - builds X axis label based on DateTime value from provided data.
    • yAxisLabelBuilder - builds Y axis label based on double value from provided data, maxValue specifically.


  • yAxisDivisions - quantity of the Y axis divisions, defaults to 2.
  • xAxisLabelQuantity - quantity of the X axis labels to draw, defaults to null.
  • axisDivisionEdges - axis division edges, defaults to AxisDivisionEdges.none.
  • showAxisX - whether to show X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXLabels - whether to show labels on the X axis or not, defaults to true.
  • showAxisXSelectedLabelIfConcealed - whether to show selected label if it is concealed by xAxisLabelQuantity, defaults to false.
  • showAxisYLabels - whether to show labels on the Y axis or not, defaults to true.
  • yAxisLayout - layout type of the Y axis labels, defaults to YAxisLayout.overlay.
  • yAxisLabelSpacing - spacing between the Y axis labels and chart itself, defaults to 0.
  • barSpacing - spacing between bars in one item, defaults to 0.
  • itemSpacing - spacing between group of bars, defaults to 12.
  • interaction - describes how user will be interacting with chart, defaults to InteractionType.selection.
  • duration - the length of time animation should last, defaults to 400 milliseconds.
  • alignment - alignment of the bars within chart, defaults to BarAlignment.end.
  • reverse - whether the scroll view scrolls in the reading direction, defaults to false.
  • fit - insription type of the bars within target box (painting zone), defaults to BarFit.none.


  • gridStyle - styling options for the grid, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartGridStyle.
  • axisStyle - styling options for the axis, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartAxisStyle.
  • barStyle - styling options for the chart line, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartBarStyle.
  • tooltipStyle - styling options for the tooltip, for more details please refer to the source code of the BarChartTooltipStyle.



  • REQUIRED data
    • data - list of double values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • OPTIONAL data
    • selectedIndex - index of the selected section, defaults to null.
    • onSelectionChanged - callbacks that reports that selected section index has changed, defaults to null.


  • colorPattern - pattern which colors will respect while getting from [GaugeChartSectionStyle.colors] field, defaults to null.
  • sectionStroke - stroke (width/size) of the gauge section, defaults to 30.
  • selectedSectionStroke - stroke (width/size) of the selected gauge section, defaults to 38.
  • gaugeAngle - angle of gauge, defaults to 180°.
  • debugMode - whether debug mode is enabled or not, defaults to false.
  • selectionEnabled - whether interactive section selection is enabled or not, defaults to true.
  • behavior - how this chart should behave during hit testing, defaults to HitTestBehavior.deferToChild.
  • runInitialAnimation - whether to show initial selection animation or not, defaults to false.


  • backgroundStyle - styling options for the background, for more details please refer to the source code of the GaugeChartBackgroundStyle.
  • sectionStyle - styling options for the section, for more details please refer to the source code of the GaugeChartSectionStyle.



  • REQUIRED data
    • data - list of double values based on which chart will be drawned.
  • OPTIONAL data
    • selectedIndex - index of the selected section, defaults to null.
    • onSelectionChanged - callbacks that reports that selected section index has changed, defaults to null.
    • onInscribedInCircleSizeChanged - callbacks that reports that size of the square inscribed in circle has changed, defaults to null.


  • colorPattern - pattern which colors will respect while getting from [GaugeChartSectionStyle.colors] field, defaults to null.
  • sectionStroke - stroke (width/size) of the gauge section, defaults to 30.
  • selectedSectionStroke - stroke (width/size) of the selected gauge section, defaults to 38.
  • debugMode - whether debug mode is enabled or not, defaults to false.
  • selectionEnabled - whether interactive section selection is enabled or not, defaults to true.
  • behavior - how this chart should behave during hit testing, defaults to HitTestBehavior.deferToChild.
  • runInitialAnimation - whether to show initial selection animation or not, defaults to false.


  • backgroundStyle - styling options for the background, for more details please refer to the source code of the GaugeChartBackgroundStyle.
  • sectionStyle - styling options for the section, for more details please refer to the source code of the GaugeChartSectionStyle.


To see usage example navigate to the Example section.

Feature requests and Bug reports

Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.


  • Add MdDate to all charts (with unit-tests)
  • Add ability to accept custom painters (paint funcs) (requires ENORMOUS amount of time)