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BSD compatible api endpoint wrapper around civicrm api


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Clone this into your extension folder, enable this civicrm extension. and voila.


This extension allows an external petition tool to synchronise the action taken there with CiviCRM. The petition tool simply push each action to a rest interface provided by this extension, that then transform them into the entities civicrm knows.

Campaign->CiviCRM Campaign Signature->Activity type "petition signature" AND either

  • create the contact if needed (and do the opt-in "click here to confirm" email)
  • update the contact if needed

The petition tool doesn't have a notion of "unique user" (eg. an id) that they send to the CRM, so we use the email as the unique identifier (ie. each email is a single person). This is obviously not 100% true, but the alternative (several persons can share an email), did create lots of invalid duplicates, because the same person would use different name (eg Bob vs Robert, Maria Lopez Gonzales vs Maria Lopez, Jean Christophe vs Jean-Christophe...). So for now, each email identifies uniquely a person.


If opt-in mode is enabled, Each new contact (new email) has to "opt-in", ie. she will receive an email containing links, and needs to click on one of them. This should happen only onces, ie. once a person has confirmed they want to be contacted, we don't need to ask them every time.

In confirmation email there are two links. First for confirmation the signature with agreement for receiving mailings. Second for only confirmation the signature without agreement (NO BULK EMAILS switched on). Each message template for confirmation needs to contain #CONFIRMATION_BLOCK.

Email is confirmed if a contact has a group Members on status Added.

We use a special group Members to flag those that have been confirmed (ie. sent an email is "Pending", once clicked on the link is "Added"). __ If the contact is manually removed from that group, she will receive the opt-in email again next time they sign __


Once a contact accepts to be contacted, we need to assign it to one of the languages we use (eg. "french speaking..", "german speaking.."). I can be done manually (eg. everyone that signed a petition for a campaign in french can go to the french speaking group) but would be much easier if done automatically. It doesn't have to be real time, but can be done in batch mode every hour (or daily).

However, few rules:

  • a contact should be in only one language group (eg. I shouldn't receive both english and french mailings).
  • The latest "specific" (ie. everything but english) language of a petition the member signs is her preferred language
  • If she signs a petition in english, the custom field "speak english" is set to true

Language of campaign is determine by Internal name in speakout. We use format like this 2015-11-TTIP-ES, where last -ES determine the spanish language.

Valid values for language fields:

Country language in Internal name language in custom field
English EN en_GB
French FR fr_FR
German DE de_DE
Italian IT it_IT
Spanish ES es_ES


It's possible to designate a gender of a user. If speakout petition has a additional field before a first name then user can select his gender. SpeakCivi extension convert those values in gender in CiviCRM. We use such positions: Female, Male and Unspecified.


If gender is specified during signing a petition then It could be possible to set up a proper prefix. For females is Mrs., for males is Mr. for others is not setting at all. There is only one english language version.

email greeting

If gender and language is specified then It could be possible to set up a proper email greeting. First of all we have to configure email greeting option groups with special format in description [locale]:[gender]

  • examples de_DE:F stands for german females, fr_FR:M stands for french males and it_IT: stands for italian unspecified gender
  • In spanish version each gender has the same email greeting, so we have only one email greeting type as es_ES:

language group

Each contact in group Members supposed to be a member of LANGUAGE language Members group

Available groups:

title name (internal, not visible from CiviCRM admin interface)
German language Members de-language-activists
English language Members en-language-activists
Spanish language Members es-language-activists
French language Members fr-language-activists
Italian language Members it-language-activists
Polish language Members pl-language-activists
Romanian language Members ro-language-activists
Other speaking Activists (default) other-language-activist
  • In SpeakCivi group is determined by name,
  • Only IT team can update name value! Remember about this when you will be creating new one or changing names,
  • If language can't be determined or there isn't proper group then we use default group,
  • On Speakcivi API Settings page we have such fields:
    • Default language group Id,
    • Suffix of language group name,
  • Adding to such group is invoked after click on confirmation link (in both versions confirm and optout),
  • Contact can have only one language group,
  • If contact has already language group current group is not added,
  • If Speakcivi can't determine language group, default group is adding to contact,
  • Default group is skipping during checking if contact has a language group.

language tag

Each contact in group Members supposed to be a member of can speak LANGUAGE-SHORTCUT tag

  • tag is determined by name,
  • Format: can speak SHORTCUT-LANGUAGE - this is necessary to find out proper tag by shortcut,
  • Speakcivi API Settings page we have a field Prefix of language tag name with default value is can speak ,
  • Examples: can speak en, can speak de,
  • If tag doesn't exist It's creating new one,
  • Contact can have many tags (not only one).

message templates

Message templates for new and current users can be set up in custom fields at campaign edit form.

  • We use two different message template,
    • message_new for new users - body for the emails to the contacts that aren't already members and need to confirm their signature,
    • message_member for current users - body for the emails to the contacts that are already members and don't need to confirm their signature,
  • each templates have a default content in proper language,
  • message_new has to contain line <div>#CONFIRMATION_BLOCK</div>,
  • message_member has to contain line <div>#SHARING_BLOCK</div>,
  • It's possible to improve default content by edit in Edit Campaign form.

a/b testing in messages

Content of messages are prepared by Smarty. Therefore It's possible to create simple a/b test. Look at example:

{if $ mod 2 eq 0}
 Hi {$contact.display_name}
 Hi {$contact.first_name}
  • Cautions! WYSIWYG editor adds additional HTML tags to line with smarty code! In order to save such template you need to:
    • switch to Source document layout,
    • remove additional <p></p> tags,
    • save campaign.



  • Campaign is retrieved by external_id
  • If campaign doesn't exist in CiviCRM It will be created based on information from Speakout API
    • Language of campaign is determined by name
      • example: Name EN, Name_EN
      • language: en_GB
  • Campaign has custom fields
    • optin message id - id of message template which will be used in confirmation email
    • language - campaign language
    • sender email - who is a sender of a email

Action type

  • petition
    • create/get contact, add activity, send confirmation mail
  • share
    • create/get contact, add activity

New contact

SpeakCivi searches contact by primary email.

  • If there isn't any contacts, SpeackCivi creates new one (New contact)
  • If there is exactly 1 result, SpeakCivi choose this contact (Existing contact)
  • If there are more than 1 results, SpeakCivi determine which of them is the most similar (Existing contact)
    • the same first name, last name and primary email
    • the oldest (the smallest id)

Parameters of contact:

  • created_date of contact is given from action data
  • contact type: Individual
  • added to group Members on status Pending
  • preferred_language based on language of campaign
  • source -> value: speakout [action_type] [external_id]

Parameters of activity:

  • If opt_in = 1 (Default) -> activity status = Scheduled
  • If opt_in = 0 -> activity status = Completed
  • Do you want to be updated about this and other campaigns?
    • If user choose NO then:
      • activity status = Opt-out
  • Activity type:
    • Petition (fill out petition form)
    • share (click on button Share on facebook or Share on twitter)
  • detail of activity = your comments from petition

Sending confirmation email

  • email content is based on optin message id
  • email has a link for confirmation with
    • contact id
    • activity id
    • campaign id
    • hash

Click on confirmation url

  • There are two types of confirmation:
    • confirm with agreement for mailing
      • in this case NO BULK EMAIL is set up to FALSE
    • confirm without agreement for mailing
      • in this case NO BULK EMAIL is set up to TRUE
  • If contact has a group on status Pending -> change status to Added
  • If contact doesn't have a group -> add group on status Added
  • If activity id is set up, then
    • If activity has a status Scheduled -> change status to Completed
  • If activity id is NOT set up and we have a campaign_id, then
    • find all activities for this campaign
    • If activity has a status Scheduled -> change status to Completed
  • If campaign id is set up, then
    • determine country by language
    • change post url into [country]/post_confirm in order to present proper language version

Existing contact

  • Add contact to group Members
  • Update address
    • If contact has no address -> add new address
    • If contact has 1 address -> update by new values
    • If contact has more than 1 address ->
      • update similar address by missing value
      • add next if there aren't any similar address
  • Send confirmation mail
    • If NO BULK EMAIL is set up to TRUE content of mail also contains #CONFIRMATION_BLOCK


BSD compatible api endpoint wrapper around civicrm api







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  • PHP 78.1%
  • Smarty 21.9%