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Infinity Engine

A demo of an engine for game development develop from scratch, it has a camera system, a grad and drop model and texture loader system, you can find the source code here.


Screen Shots

Author (Artemis Georgakopoulou)

Diploma Engineer from Greece, currently studying a masters on Game Development at UPC Barcelona, Spain. Over the course of my studies, I learned various skills related to Computer Engineering. As a continuation of my studies I would like to keep working on Graphics and Game development and I consider Serious Game development a good way to test and improve my skills.

You can find some of my projects here.

Author (Marco Rodriguez)

Software Engineer from Ecuador, currently studying a masters on Game Development at UPC Barcelona, Spain. I enjoy coding and learning about it, now I’m interested on game development and hope one day work on a really nice studio.

You can find some of my projects here.


You can find the lincese here.