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Develop CadQuery and CQ-editor using Nix


  1. Install Nix package manager. I suggest using a clean Virtual Machine (VM) with Ubuntu on it. You can install Nix using the instructions from here, which is pretty much just the command curl | sh. You might have to log out and in again to set some environment variables. You need NixOS. Nix package manager on non-NixOS can't connect graphical apps to the correct graphics libraries.
  2. Clone this repo and submodules, git clone --recurse-submodules
  3. cd cq-dev
  4. Run the command nix-build, this should build both CadQuery and CQ-editor, and place a symlink to the result in this directory. The first time you run this command it will build many things and take a long time, but Nix's caching and optimisation are excellent, subsequent builds will be very fast.
  5. Run ./result/bin/cq-editor
  6. To create docs, run nix-build -E 'let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; overlays = [ (import ./overlay.nix) ];}; in pkgs.python3Packages.cadquery.doc' --keep-failed

Further dev

Feel free to change the CadQuery or CQ-editor source code. Just rerun nix-build when you are done. Nix should take a hash of the source code, and if it's changed it will rebuild it.


Running nix-shell in this directory will pick up shell.nix and produce an environment with the cadquery package present. Then editors such as Vim with Python-language-server will pick up CadQuery and offer autocomplete and hinting etc.


Unfortunately PyQt5 isn't currently working in Nix, so CQ-editor's tests have been disabled.


Nix expressions for hacking on CadQuery and CQ-editor. Nix flakes has rendered this obsolete, see my cq-flake repo for better method.





