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Textbooksat is an interactive SAT solver that implements the model of CDCL described in Trade-offs Between Time and Memory in a Tighter Model of CDCL SAT Solvers. Its primary use case is to run interactively to help finding proofs in that model, and it can also be used to verify such proofs.


make sat


  • boost

Optional dependencies (disable with $ NO_VIZ=NO_VIZ make sat):

  • >=graphviz-2.30
  • cimg


Use sat < input.cnf to run with default settings (which are not what you would expect from a standard implementation). Use sat -d vsids -r luby -w 2wl -v 0 < input.cnf to run with a more usual set of heuristics. Use sat --help for information about command line flags.

Interactive use

Use sat -i input.cnf -d ask to run textbooksat in interactive mode. In this mode, the solver will output the steps it takes, stop every time it reaches the default state, and ask for user input. Type help in interactive mode for information about the available interactive commands.

To save and resume a session:

$ ./sat -d ask
> save <filename>
> ^D
$ cat <filename> - | ./sat -d ask

To have a history of commands:

$ rlwrap ./sat -d ask

It can be convenient to work with human-readable variable names instead of DIMACS literals. If the CNF input contains a map from DIMACS variable numbers to variable names of the form

c varname <dimacs> <name>

then textbooksat will use these names for input/output. There is a CNFgen patch to generate such a mapping.

Proof logging

Use sat -i input.cnf -p proof.ext to obtain a representation of the proof in some other format, which gets chosen from the extension.



This is only intended for small proofs (at most tens of conflicts); otherwise the picture will be too large to handle.

  • .tex: Standalone tikz. Compile with pdflatex proof.tex.
  • .beamer.tex: Beamer slides. Compile with pdflatex proof.tex.
  • .asy: Asymptote. Compile with asy -f pdf proof.asy. Requires node.asy version 4.0, not tested with 5.0.
  • .dot: Graphviz. Compile with dot -O -Tpdf


Interactive SAT solver






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